- Which crystal structure share the same cubic crystal system?
- Which crystal structure share the same hexagonal crystal system?
- What are the lattice parameters of length given a crystal structure?
- What are the lattice parameters of angle given a crystal structure?
- What are the slip systems of a given crystal structure?
- What are the slip planes of a given crystal structure?
- What is the family of slip plane given a slip plane in the crystal?
- What is the family of slip direction given a slip direction in the crystal?
- Given the space group of a crystal structure, what is the bravais lattice centering?
- Given the crystal structure, what are the corresponding space group and point group?
- Given the point group of a crystal structure, what is the corresponding crystal system?
- In which slip planes is a dislocation moves on?
- What is the Burgers vector of the dislocation?
- What is the Burgers vector magnitude of the dislocation?
- Given a slip plane of the crystal structure, what is the slip direction?
- Given a 3-D vector instance (Burgers vector, vector position, etc), what are the vector components?
- Given a 3-D vector instance ( Burgers vector, vector position, etc), what is the vector magnitude?
- Given a Basis of a vector in 3-D space, what are the first axis basis vector?
- Given a Basis of a vector in 3-D space, what are the second axis basis vector?
- Given a 3-D vector instance Burgers vector, what is the unit?
CQ1: Which crystal structure share the same cubic crystal system?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
PREFIX chebi: <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/>
SELECT ?crystalstructure ?crystal_system WHERE{
?crystalstructure a cso:CrystalStructure ; cso:hasLattice ?lattice .
?lattice cso:hasCrystalSystem ?crystal_system.
?crystal_system a cso:Cubic .
CQ2: Which crystal structure share the same hexagonal crystal system?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?crystalstructure ?crystal_system WHERE{
?crystalstructure a cso:CrystalStructure ; cso:hasLattice ?lattice .
?lattice cso:hasCrystalSystem ?crystal_system.
?crystal_system a cso:Hexagonal .
CQ3: What are the lattice parameters of length given a crystal structure?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?crystalstructure ?length_a ?length_b ?length_c WHERE{
?crystalstructure a cso:CrystalStructure ; cso:hasLattice ?lattice .
?lattice cso:hasUnitCell ?unitcell .
?unitcell cso:hasLatticeParameterLength ?latticeParameterLength.
?latticeParameterLength cso:latticeParameterLengthA ?length_a;
cso:latticeParameterLengthB ?length_b;
cso:latticeParameterLengthC ?length_c.
CQs4: What are the lattice parameters of angle given a crystal structure?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?crystalstructure ?angle_alpha ?angle_beta ?angle_gamma WHERE{
?crystalstructure a cso:CrystalStructure ; cso:hasLattice ?lattice .
?lattice cso:hasUnitCell ?unitcell .
?unitcell cso:hasLatticeParameterAngle ?latticeParameterAngle.
?latticeParameterAngle cso:latticeParameterAngleAlpha ?angle_alpha;
cso:latticeParameterAngleBeta ?angle_beta;
cso:latticeParameterAngleGamma ?angle_gamma.
CQ5: What are the slip systems of a given crystal structure?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?crystalstructure ?slip_system ?slip_plane_normal_val ?slip_direction_val WHERE{
?crystalstructure a cso:CrystalStructure ;
diso:hasSlipSystem ?slip_system .
?slip_system diso:hasSlipPlaneNormal ?slip_plane_normal ;
diso:hasSlipDirection ?slip_direction.
?slip_plane_normal diso:directionMillerIndice ?slip_plane_normal_val.
?slip_direction diso:directionMillerIndice ?slip_direction_val.
CQ6: What are the slip planes of a given crystal structure?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?crystal_structure ?slip_plane ?slip_plane_miller_indice
?crystal_structure a cso:CrystalStructure.
?crystal_structure diso:hasSlipPlane ?slip_plane.
?slip_plane diso:planeMillerIndice ?slip_plane_miller_indice .
CQ7: What is the family of slip plane given a slip plane in the crystal?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?slip_plane ?slip_plane_miller_indice ?family_of_slip_plane_miller_indice
?slip_plane a diso:SlipPlane ;
diso:planeMillerIndice ?slip_plane_miller_indice ;
diso:familyPlaneMillerIndice ?family_of_slip_plane_miller_indice .
CQ8: What is the family of slip direction given a slip direction in the crystal?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?slip_direction ?slip_direction_miller_indice ?family_of_slip_direction_miller_indice
?slip_direction a diso:SlipDirection ;
diso:directionMillerIndice ?slip_direction_miller_indice ;
diso:familyDirectionMillerIndice ?family_of_slip_direction_miller_indice .
CQ9: Given the space group of a crystal structure, what is the bravais lattice centering?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?crystal_structure ?centering WHERE{
?crystal_structure a cso:CrystalStructure;
cso:hasLattice ?bravais_lattice .
?bravais_lattice cso:centering ?centering .
CQ10: Given the crystal structure, what are the corresponding space group and point group?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
PREFIX mdo: <https://w3id.org/mdo/structure/>
SELECT ?crystal_structure ?space_group ?point_group WHERE{
?crystal_structure a cso:CrystalStructure;
mdo:hasSpaceGroup ?sg.
?sg mdo:hasPointGroup ?pg ;
mdo:SpaceGroupSymbol ?space_group .
?pg mdo:PointGroupHMName ?point_group .
CQ11: Given the point group of a crystal structure, what is the corresponding crystal system?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
PREFIX mdo: <https://w3id.org/mdo/structure/>
SELECT ?point_group ?crystal_system WHERE{
?point_group a mdo:PointGroup;
cso:isPointGroupOf ?cs.
?cs rdf:type cso:CrystalSystem.
?cs rdf:type ?crystal_system
CQ12: In which slip planes is a dislocation moves on?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?dislocation ?slip_plane ?slip_plane_miller_indice
?dislocation a diso:Dislocation ;
diso:movesOn ?slip_plane .
?slip_plane diso:planeMillerIndice ?slip_plane_miller_indice .
CQ13: What is the Burgers vector of the dislocation?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?dislocation ?firstAxisComponent ?secondAxisComponent ?thirdAxisComponent WHERE{
?dislocation a diso:Dislocation .
?dislocation diso:hasBurgersVector ?Burgers_vector.
?Burgers_vector cso:hasVectorComponent ?VectorComponentOfBasis .
?VectorComponentOfBasis cso:firstAxisComponent ?firstAxisComponent;
cso:secondAxisComponent ?secondAxisComponent;
cso:thirdAxisComponent ?thirdAxisComponent .
CQ14: What is the Burgers vector magnitude of the dislocation?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?dislocation ?Burgers_vector_magnitude WHERE{
?dislocation a diso:Dislocation .
?dislocation diso:hasBurgersVector ?Burgers_vector.
?Burgers_vector cso:vectorMagnitude ?Burgers_vector_magnitude .
CQ15: Given a slip plane of the crystal structure, what is the slip direction?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
SELECT ?slip_plane ?slip_direction_val WHERE{
?slip_plane a diso:SlipPlane.
?slip_plane diso:planeMillerIndice "(111)"^^xsd:string;
diso:hasSlipDirection ?slip_direction.
?slip_direction diso:directionMillerIndice ?slip_direction_val.
CQ16: Given a 3-D vector instance (Burgers vector, vector position, etc), what are the vector components?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?Burgers_vector ?firstAxisComponent ?secondAxisComponent ?thirdAxisComponent WHERE{
?Burgers_vector a diso:BurgersVector;
cso:hasVectorComponent ?VectorComponentOfBasis .
?VectorComponentOfBasis cso:firstAxisComponent ?firstAxisComponent;
cso:secondAxisComponent ?secondAxisComponent;
cso:thirdAxisComponent ?thirdAxisComponent .
CQ17: Given a 3-D vector instance ( Burgers vector, vector position, etc), what is the vector magnitude?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
SELECT ?Burgers_vector ?vectorMagnitude WHERE{
?Burgers_vector a diso:BurgersVector;
cso:vectorMagnitude ?vectorMagnitude .
CQ18: Given a Basis of a vector in 3-D space, what are the first axis basis vector?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
PREFIX mdo: <https://w3id.org/mdo/structure/>
SELECT ?Burgers_vector ?first_axis_basis_e_x ?first_axis_basis_e_y ?first_axis_basis_e_z WHERE{
?Burgers_vector a diso:BurgersVector;
cso:hasVectorComponent ?VectorComponents .
?VectorComponents cso:hasBasis ?Basis .
?Basis cso:hasFirstAxisVector ?CoordinateVector .
?CoordinateVector mdo:X_axisCoordinate ?first_axis_basis_e_x;
mdo:Y_axisCoordinate ?first_axis_basis_e_y;
mdo:Z_axisCoordinate ?first_axis_basis_e_z .
CQs 19: Given a Basis of a vector in 3-D space, what are the second axis basis vector?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
PREFIX mdo: <https://w3id.org/mdo/structure/>
SELECT ?Burgers_vector ?second_axis_basis_e_x ?second_axis_basis_e_y ?second_axis_basis_e_z WHERE{
?Burgers_vector a diso:BurgersVector;
cso:hasVectorComponent ?VectorComponents .
?VectorComponents cso:hasBasis ?Basis .
?Basis cso:hasSecondAxisVector ?CoordinateVector .
?CoordinateVector mdo:X_axisCoordinate ?second_axis_basis_e_x;
mdo:Y_axisCoordinate ?second_axis_basis_e_y;
mdo:Z_axisCoordinate ?second_axis_basis_e_z .
CQs 20: Given a 3-D vector instance Burgers vector, what is the unit?
PREFIX diso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/diso#>
PREFIX cso: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cso#>
PREFIX cdo: <https://purls.helmholtz-metadaten.de/cdo#>
PREFIX qudt: <http://qudt.org/schema/qudt/>
SELECT ?Burgers_vector ?unit ?quantity_kind WHERE{
?Burgers_vector a diso:BurgersVector;
cso:hasVectorComponent ?VectorComponents .
?VectorComponents qudt:hasQuantityKind ?quantity_kind ;
qudt:quantityValue ?qv.
?qv qudt:unit ?unit.