I’m an Engineer transferring into Software Development!
Utilising Python and Kotlin to make Engineering applications and Mobile Apps.
- Kotlin
- Android Studio
- MVVM/MVI architecture
- Adaptive UI Design using Jetpack Compose
- Understanding of Views based design
- Compose Navigation
- Room, Datastore, & SQLite
- Notifications, WorkManager, & AlarmManager
- Testing using JUnit and Espresso
- Animations using Compose & AGSL
- Vector Graphics including Fonts
- Hilt Dependency Injection
- Retrofit 2 & Coil
- Version control using Github
- Wireframing & Design in Figma
Whilst learning to code I have worked full-time as a Highway Engineer! I've always been interested in coding and wanted to take my chance to get more involved with it!
In 2022 I completed the MIT Introduction to Programming with Python course. Throughout 2023 I undertook the Google Android Basics with Compose course in my spare time which I completed on the 30/12/2023 whilst still managing to progress my Highway Engineering career.
Since then I have been constantly learning new development techniques to help further my skills and offerings to potential new employers.
I am currently developing two Android apps and an Engineering application:
Game Clock
- A desktop clock app with background animations designed to help gamers and desk-based workers keep an eye on the time and provide a clock in a style that will match their game experience or brighten their day.
- Custom Animations using Jetpack compose Animations - Launched Effect, Infinite Transitions, Animate Float, Color, Value, etc.
- Custom Animations using AGSL (Android Graphics Shader Language) I have developed an understanding of how to use custom shaders and how to translate shaders from GLSL to AGSL (which have subtle yet important differences)
- Custom UI elements such as the toggle row within the Settings menu.
- User Preferences Repoistory to persist app-wide data and settings such as the last opened clock theme and whether the app is fullscreen.
- Room database for storing theme specific settings and the alarm repository.
- Hilt for dependency injection to provide context and helper functions into the Alarm Workers.
- Notifications for Alarms using NotificationCompat, AlarmManager, and Broadcast Reciever.
Cloudimals (WIP)
- A simple app to turn pictures of clouds into animals.
- Utilises Room to upload the user photo to an AI API, detirmine that it is actually a picture of a cloud and then turn it into the animal of the users choosing.
- Great for helping visualise cloud animals that one person can see but another might not!
Sign Foundation Automated design
- Grasshopper/Rhino to create a 3d parametric model of a sign, signpost, and foundation.
- Using in-built automation tools to iterate towards the best designs based on carbon costs and structural stability.
- Viktor to create a python web app to run the automated parametric model.