A dead-simple CSS boilerplate; it only uses element selectors to standardize styling across browsers and reduce unnecessary class construction. Think NormalizeCSS or ResetCSS, but customizable.
The boilerplate provides styling for commonly utilized features: scrollbar, anchors,
form input groups, validation, quote boxes, code, etc. They're applied with element selectors
only to reduce overhead. Stylesheet props
is used so the boilerplate can be scaled
and customized easily.
Example of :root
--fontSize: 16px;
--lineHeight: 1.75; /* Keep this number unitless to avoid overlap and inheritance issues. */
--headerFont: 'Geneva';
--bodyFont: 'Arial';
--monoFont: 'Lucida Console';
--font: #000000;
--foreground: #EAEAEA;
--background: #FFFFFF;
Example of cross-browser standardization using props
html, body {
padding: 0; /* Remove unnecessary padding. */
margin: 0; /* Remove unnecessary margin. */
body {
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in iOS. */
/* Default Background */
background-color: var(--background, #FFFFFF);
/* Global Inherited Defaults */
font-family: var(--headerFont, 'Geneva'), 'Helvetica', serif;
font-size: var(--fontSize, 16px);
line-height: var(--lineHeight, 1.75);
color: var(--font, #000000);
html:focus, body:focus {
outline: none; /* Remove default agent outline focus from most browsers. */
Example of Input Validation using props
fieldset:invalid {
border-color: var(--warning, #E86363);
fieldset:invalid > legend {
color: var(--warning, #E86363);
input:not([value='']):not(:focus):invalid, select:not(:focus):invalid, textarea:not(:focus):invalid {
border-color: var(--warning, #E86363);
input:not(:focus):required:valid, select:not(:focus):required:valid, textarea:not(:focus):required:valid {
border-color: var(--success, #7CDC7C)
StandardCSS is designed to act as a bedrock / foundational layer for new themes and frameworks. If you are building your stylesheets from scratch and want a customizable cross-browser supported boilerplate, then StandardCSS is for you. If importing a framework or extending one, then StandardCSS is not for you.
The foundation layer includes only few groups at the moment. However, there are plans to expand this has HTML and CSS adopts more commonly built features. However, everything here is fully customizable via props or by messing with their properties. Yes that also means custom checkbox, radio, quotes and search without any extra HTML markup. CSS handles it all.
- Page Building (Containers)
- Headers
- Main, Article, Sections
- Footers
- Content Handling
- Header
- Paragraph, Span,
- Image
- Delete, Emphasis, Strong, etc.
- Citations
- Anchors
- Preformatted Text (ex. pre, code, sample)
- Quotes and Blockquotes
- etc...
- Scrollbar (webkit browsers only)
- Form Control
- Various Inputs
- Text, Textarea, Select, Search, Radio, Checkbox, etc.
- Input Groups
- Validation & Invalidation
- Various Inputs
This HTML boilerplate is designed to work with the latest technology that is accepted by all modern browsers. As of 7/25/2023, 94% of all users browsers', according to CanIUse, support everything in document. Except the scrollbar, as only webkit supported browsers support this.
All styling following the recommendations of W3C or integrates a commonly used browser style agent implementation. Since all elements being modified are still displayed by default, even if their appearance and aesthetic is overwritten (ex. checkbox and radio), they still retain the accessible properties.
Please see the LICENSE
for this project regarding use.