A utility similar to airdrop for transferring files between linux systems.
gem install tcpfiletransfer
Create a startup program with the following command:
bash -ic 'filetransfer_server'
Create ~/.local/share/nemo/actions/sendfile.nemo_action
[Nemo Action]
Name=Send file
Exec=bash -ic "sendfile '%F'"
Zenity is used to make popups, and is required. Before doing this step, check if you already have zenity installed.
which zenity # should give a result if installed
If you don't get a result, it's not installed. Install zenity as follows:
sudo apt install zenity
Nmap is used to scan for available recipients on the network.
sudo apt install nmap
To send a file with the right click action, right click it and click "Send file". Enter the hostname or IP of the recipient, or leave it blank to scan for recipients with nmap. Now, the recipient should receive a pop-up prompting them to accept the file. After they accept it and the transfer completes, or they decline it, you will get a pop-up message. Using nmap as of now assumes the computer is on a on a network.
To receive a file, the filetransfer server must be running. When someone sends you a file, you'll receive a pop-up prompting you to accept or decline it with the file name and size. Closing the pop-up declines the transfer. If you accept it, you will be prompted to choose a location to save the file. The file will download and save.