Input: individual or collective .csv files (~/sample)
Output: individual or collective .csv files, as well as a collective plot (~/results)
Script: DualTaskEffect.ipynb
Automatically calculates and represents the cognitive-motor dual-task effect (DTE) from the cognitive and motor performances of subjects, both realised in single and dual task condition (ST and DT).
To do so, you need to:
- transpose your participants performance into .csv files (see exemples of files structures in ~/sample)
- use the provided code DualTaskEffect.ipynb on your files to obtain the DTE scores and appreciation, as well as a graphical representation (see ~/results). You can run the code as is if you keep the same path.
Participant 1 : Dual Task Effect (DTE) = Cognitive priority tradeoff
(etc. for all participants)
This code is an automation of the model proposed by Plummer et al., 2013 (DOI: 10.1155/2014/538602). To cite this work:
Plummer, Prudence, Villalobos, Raymond M., Vayda, Moira S., Moser, Myriam, Johnson, Erin, Feasibility of Dual-Task Gait Training for Community-Dwelling Adults after Stroke: A Case Series, Stroke Research and Treatment, 2014, 538602, 12 pages, 2014.
Matthieu Gallou-Guyot. (2024). MatthieuGG/DualTaskEffect: v1.0.1 (v1.0.1). Zenodo.
You may also be interested in the Dual-Task Progress caculator: