Convert PSScriptAnalyzer output into HTML reports to make it easier to share and analyse the data
When I am providing assistance to customers with PowerShell scripts or even just working on my own projects I often use the PSScriptAnalyzer to analyze the script for best practices. I started this project as I had a need to provide the output to a customer in a format that was easier for them to digest and share.
The following PowerShell modules.
- PSScriptAnalyzer
The following example demonstrates how to run this tool
.\PSScriptAnalyzerReporter.ps1 -CsvPath C:\psscriptanalyzer.output.csv -OutputPath C:\psscriptanalyzerreports\
This project uses SemVer for versioning. While the following is an overview of the offical releases, for the detailed versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- None
- Initial push
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If you are interested in contributing please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines. These are the standards I try and adopt for ALL of my work as well.
This project is released under the MIT License