Policy Gradient Algorithms (from REINFORCE to Actor-Critic) for Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning
Christos N. Mavridis, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Maryland
mavridis (at) umd.edu
name = ''
# For saving model and results
# If empty, project name includes all hyper-parameters used
# Any Gym environment
# Supported here: 'cartpole', 'acrobot'
risk_beta = -0.1
# J = risk_beta * exp( risk_beta * R )
# 0 corresponds to the risk-neutral case: J = R
# Typical values: [-0.5, -0.1, -0.01, 0 , 0.01, 0.1, 0.5]
risk_objective = 'BETA'
# 'BETA': J = risk_beta * exp( risk_beta * R )
# 'BETAI': J = 1/risk_beta * exp( risk_beta * R )
# 'BETAS': J = sgn(risk_beta) * exp( risk_beta * R )
gammaAC = 0.99
# R = \sum_t gammaAC**t r_t
# diminishing returns: gammaAC in [0,1)
look_ahead = 0
# 1: TD Actor-Critic
# >1: Batch Actor-Critic
baseline = False
# Include Baseline in REINFORCE
# Baseline is computed using a critic NN
train_loops = 100
# Number of train loops
# Increase train_loops to decrease nepochs as discussed bellow
test_loops = 50
# Number of test loops
nepochs = 10
# Number of epochs in each train loop
# Controls the batch size over which the performance statistics are computed
time_steps = 200
# Number of maximum timesteps (when no failure) in each epoch
# for k in range(train_loops):
# for i in range(nepochs):
# for t in range(time_steps):
# observe
# act
# (update actor-critic)
# (update reinforce)
# gather statistics (average score, variance, etc.) for every epoch
nn_actor = [16]
# Number of neurons in the actor neural network
# Supports up to two layers, e.g., [32,16]
nn_critic = [16]
# Number of neurons in the critic neural network
# Supports up to two layers, e.g., [32,16]
lr = 0.01
# Learning rate for Adam optimizer
# Very important parameter for convergence: high sensitivity
cut_lr = False
# mannually decrease learning rate if desired average score is reached
# (developer mode)
a_inner = 0.0
# Update learning rate according to stochastic approximation theory
# lr = lr * 1/(1 + t * a_inner) where t is the timestep
# 0 for no decreasing
a_outer = 0.0
# Update learning rate according to stochastic approximation theory
# lr = lr * 1/(1 + k * a_outer) where k is the train loop
# 0 for no decreasing
model_var = [round(0.2*(i+1),1) for i in range(10)]
# Testing in environments with different model parameters
# The changing parameter is pre-specified for each environment but can change (see Testing Loops)
# Nominal values: length=0.5 for cartpole, LINK_LENGTH_1=1.0 for acrobot
rs = 0
# Random seed used for everything (Gym environment, random, np.random, and torch (NNs))
# (developer mode)
If you use this work in an academic context, please cite the following:
Erfaun Noorani, Christos N. Mavridis, John S. Baras, Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning with Exponential Criteria (arXiv:2212.09010)