CinemaBot is a little telegram bot that collects information from my local movie theater's website: and displays them as messages via telegram. There's a chat thanks to that you can interact with the bot and get this informatios:
- When they are in the theater
- Duration
- Cast
- Direction
- Genere
- Movie trailer
- Reservation link
The first thigs is to create a file: and add the following line:
TOKEN = "place your API key here"
BOTNAME = "place here the name of your bot"
Then, after installing the requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
, you can execute the following line:
I want to remember you that now to use pip you need to create a virtual envirorment before.
- film/start: shows all the film that are available on
- prezzi/price: shows ticket's prices
- info: shows all other infos (e.g. discount)
The bot has two parts:
- bot
- movie updater
The aim of the bot is to display information to the user in the telegram chat, while the movie updater is responsible for retrieves information about the movies.
The website was done by
The company that seems to create website (php based) for movie theaters. It has curious html configurations, in which movies are divided in Even and Odd div class
Simply do bash
Commands list (you need to change maxbubblegum wit your user and log with your credentials):
- docker build . -t maxbubblegum/victoriacinemabot:1.1
- docker push maxbubblegum/victoriacinemabot:1.1
If you want to run the program without thinking to much about docker, just CTRL + C CTRL + V
this two commands in your terminal:
- `docker run maxbubblegum/victoriacinemabot:1.1