This is not a real bomb. It don't explode. It just makes noise similar to an fire alarm. It is build to add another gamemode for paintball.
This gamemode is adapted from CounterStrike. 2 teams play against each other. Team 1:
- Name: Terrorist (T)
- Objective: Plant a bomb in a designated area and secure it till it explodes
Team 2:
- Name: CounterTerrorist (CT)
- Objective: Defend the plant areas and prevent the Terrorist from planting the bomb
The case is 3D-printed from PLA. As a energy source I use a basic 5v Portable phone charging battery. This powers the ESP-32 and the piezzo. Between the battery and the piezzo is a 5v-12v step up to increase the volume of the piezzo.
When started, ESP-32 acts like a WLAN-AP and hosts a configuration website. There you can adjust how long the CT side has to defuse a planted "bomb". With the gTime setting you can adjust how long the Terrorists have to plant the bomb.
To plant or defuse you have to enter the S/N you can see on the copper shield.
The bomb signals with the piezzo and the red LED when it detonated. The orange LED blinks when the bomb is armed.