- 📚 Front-End Developer with a passion for creating web experiences that positively impact people's lives.
- 📚 Currently working as a Front-end Developer at Estante Mágica, the biggest reading and writing project in Brazil.
- 📚 Developed the "EducaPetBR" mobile application in Flutter for 4 months at Espresso Labs.
- 📚 Participated in the "Code Like a POSSIBLE Girl" project, a mentorship for women developers, sponsored by Se Candidate, Mulher!, Elas Programam and POSSIBLE.
- 📚 Graduated from @Cubos Academy.
- 💭 Addicted to ☕, 💻 and 🍫.
- 💭 Love 🐶, playing 🎮, learning new technologies 🧠 and spending time with my 👪.
- 💭 Fan of Linux 🐧 and love the concept of open source.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I can move my ears with the power of my mind 🤯!
Made with 💜 by Maylla Rabay. Let's connect!