- McGill University
- Management Undergraduate Society
- McGill Library
- McGill Writing Center
- McGill Course Finder
- McGill Enhanced
- Find a Seat
- Visual Schedule Builder
- Visual Schedule Builder
- Find a Seat
- Docuum
- Campus Life and Engagements
- Career Planning Service
- First People's House
- International Student Services
- 911 for all emergency
- SSMU Walksafe 514-398-2498
- SSMU Drivesafe 514-398-8040
- Call 911 for all emergencies
- Nightline (514) 398 6246
- Peer Support Centre
- McGill Counselling
- McGill Psychiatric Services
- SACOMSS (514) 398-2498
- OSVRSE (514) 398-4486
- Educaloi
- Legal Information Clinic at McGill
- Project Genesis
- CKUT (radio)
- TVM (video)
- The McGill Tribune (print)
- The McGill Daily (print)
- The Bull & Bear (print)
- The Plumber's Ledger (print)
- Leacock's (print)
- Le Delit (print)
- McGill Media Relations Office (official McGill press releases)
- Residence Cafeterias
- C4
- Douglas Hall
- New Rez
- Others
- Athletics Cafe
- Booster Juice
- Dispatch
- Education Cafe
- Engineering General Store
- Law Cafe
- McConnell Eng Cafe
- Med Cafe
- Redpath Cafe
- Second Cup
- Soupe Cafe
- Starbucks
- Subway
- Quesada
- Vinh's
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