First create the "differences.tex" file using latexdiff
(I installed latexdiff using brew with brew install latexdiff
latexdiff sources/bmc_template_submission/bmc_article_submission_2021-01-08.tex sources/bmc_template_submission/bmc_article.tex > sources/bmc_template_submission/differences.tex
Then I rendered the differences.tex file with R:
R -e 'tools::texi2pdf(file = "sources/bmc_template_submission/differences.tex", clean=TRUE)'
And moved it to the folder I want it to be in:
mv differences.pdf docs/submission-bmc-2021-01-08-reviews.pdf
tools::texi2pdf(file = "sources/bmc_template_submission/bmc_article.tex", clean=TRUE)
mv bmc_article.pdf docs/submission-bmc-2020-12-28.pdf
#output = paste0("docs/submission-bmc-", Sys.Date(), ".pdf")
rmarkdown::render(input = "sources/2pdf-bmc.Rmd", output_file = paste0("../docs/try-submission-bmc", Sys.Date(), ".pdf"))
rmarkdown::render(input = "physcraper_ms.Rmd", output_file = paste("physcraper_ms-", Sys.Date(), ".pdf"))
rmarkdown::render(input = "render2-word.Rmd", output_file = paste0("docs/word-", Sys.Date(), ".docx"))
rmarkdown::render(input = "render2-sysbio.Rmd", output_file = paste0("docs/submission-sysbio-", Sys.Date(), ".pdf"))
rmarkdown::render(input = "render2-mee.Rmd", output_file = paste0("docs/submission-mee-", Sys.Date(), ".pdf"))
rmarkdown::render(input = "render2-mee.Rmd", output_file = paste0("docs/submission-mee-", Sys.Date(), ".doc"), output_format = "word_document")
The following will render the ms on various outputs specified in the yaml. This does not work with different outputs from the rticles
rmarkdown::render(input = "physcraper_ms.Rmd", output_format= "all")
Trying output_yaml worked. You just have to use the yaml params that are common to different formats in the main document, and add the extra ones on the extra yaml file. If there are any overlapping params, it will take the ones from the yaml specified in output_yaml:
rmarkdown::render(input = "physcraper_ms.Rmd", output_yaml= "joss.yaml")
rmarkdown::draft("ams_submission", template = "ams_article", package = "rticles")
rmarkdown::render(input = "physcraper_ms.Rmd", output_file= paste("ams_submission.pdf"), output_yaml= "ams.yaml")
To compile a .tex file to pdf I simply use the compile pdf button from RStudio,
which I think uses tools::texi2pdf(output, clean=clean)
; tip taken from this RStudio community thread
To get the relevant figures from the physcraperex
curl -o docs/figs/ilex-updated-tree.png