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A learning management system. Functions: Calender, Pagination, Search, price calculator

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  • Testing (jest)
  • Database
  • Backend (Node.js nest.js)
  • Eslint (Clean coding)
  • Typescript


  • Requirement update-2

  • Reset all targeted value after making request and mounting a component

  • Register user

    • ✅ Only digit for OTP Code
    • Verify user profile by admin (Until they are verified they will be unlisted from search)
    • ✅ Next button to the right
    • ✅ Use bulk sms bd for sending messages
  • Send request

    • ✅ Detail of teacher (Any one can see techer detail), Send request visible only if he is logged in as student
    • ✅ After filtering by default they will select subjects and class (By default no available class and subjects)
    • ✅ No duration or estimated bill - only hourly rate
    • ✅ Select slot (8 to 10)
  • Update profile

    1. Educational qualification
      • ✅ Exam name (SSC / HSC / )
      • ✅ Institution
      • ✅ Group (Science, Arts, & commerce)
      • ✅ Result
      • ✅ Passing Year
    2. Personal Detail
      • Picture (Later)
      • ✅ Name
      • ✅ Email
      • ✅ District
      • Present Address (Used to search )
    3. Tution Detail
      • ✅ Rate per hour
      • ✅ Status (Currenty available to request or not )
      • Tution place multile selection
    4. Subjects
      • ✅ Tution subjects
      • ✅ Tution class types
  • Scheduled Class detail

    • ✅ No bill and duration
    • ✅ Detail location of student
    • ✅ Institution name
    • ✅ Scheduled time
    • ✅ Picture, Name, Class & Subject
  • Top Bar

    • ✅ Profile
    • ✅ Request histry (Filter by pending requests, rejected requestes)
    • ✅ Notifications
  • Tution process by teacher

    • ✅ Start tution (No more request acceptable)
    • ✅ Minutes counting
    • ✅ Finish tution (bill depends on per minute count)
    • ✅ Mark as paid (Student can not send request until they pay their dues)
    • ✅ Give feedback
  • Modification-1

    • ✅ Making class and subjects without reload the admin dashboard page (To make relationship it needs id of subject and classtype)
    • ✅ User should not regester twice
    • ✅ User will have different education level
    • ✅ Multiple class and subjects of a teacher
    • ✅ Start imiddeate action after start class, accept, reject, finish class, review etc
    • ✅ select default subject and class of teacher if search has none of it
    • ✅ select item background in Calender
    • ✅ All class are online for now. Fix in server initiate class
    • ✅ Show slot time
  • Modification-2

    • ✅ Make google place api work
    • ✅ Make navbar smaller
    • ✅ No scrolling for searching teacher
    • ✅ Search button on the right
    • ✅ Logout button doesn't work on production
    • ✅ Option for selecting multiple option for tution location - online, tl, sl
  • Modification-3

    • ✅ No tution fee for student - Available status is not changing on production
    • ✅ Show role on top bar
    • ✅ Need to work with Calender - Select current date, add 7 days, work next and previous
    • ✅ Align time slot
    • ✅ Add profile picture
    • ✅ Add address in order to initialize scheduled class
    • ✅ Notification bar
    • Make More responsive
    • ✅ Approve button on detail page of scheduled class
  • Requirement-1

  • ✅ Work with review

  • Generate link for scheduled class that is online only

  • Send notification for new requests via phone or mobile browser

  • Teacher per hour rate need to update (client's dashboard input fields)

  • ✅ Send request with current time of client to initialize scheduled class

  • ✅ List of requested students

  • ✅ Validate with express validator in every page

  • ✅ Add user types (ONLINE, TL(Student's Location), SL(Student's Location), ANY)

  • ✅ Add users online, TL, SL

  • ✅ Add hourly fees if he is teacher

  • ✅ Student teacher relationship for send request

  • ✅ Remove from signup - subjects, classes

  • ✅ Create or seed some random user

  • ✅ Profession

  • ✅ Make sign out

  • ✅ Create tables of classes, subjects

  • ✅ Setup eslint for server

  • google place api for location search

  • ✅ 1 hour session

  • ✅ Search teachers

  • ✅ Search category 1, online 2, offline 3, home

  • Search by Location - google place api

  • ✅ Remove teacher/student from login page

  • User to feedback (many to many relationship)

  • Requirement update-3

  • No preffered class, subjects, and tuition place

  • Different page or section for signup as student and reacher

  • User should not be able to register with same phone twice

  • Confused - 16

  • ✅ Fixing menu

  • ✅ phone change cc - Phone country code

  • teacher type - arabic, bangla, english in the search

  • Location api for user location in regestration,

  • Set profession by default the role

  • ✅ send id and password

  • ✅ We should keep 2 step for regestration

  • ✅ No age, profesion, cgpa

  • ✅ passing year, Currently studying option

  • Send message on first attempt

  • Check all functions of update

  • add educational qualifications not working at the time of registration

  • Reset password

  • Requirement update-4

  • ✅ OTP is not sending properly (register) -> use full code inside router callback (not from sendsms)

  • ✅ No tabs for classes and account (register)

  • ✅ Add profession and institution (register)

  • ✅ if anyone check on currently studying passing year will be disable (register)

  • ✅ Degree / education -> height education (register)

  • ✅ Search functions need to work

  • Frontend no result on search

  • Tuition style (Online, teacher's location, student's location)

  • Login redict to login page again on production

  • Rates for different subjects

  • Requirement update-5

  • Page change loading

  • ✅ Add rate for teacher - calculate monthly rate

  • ✅ Profession will be student, Full Name, Email, Medium, Class, Institution, Location

  • ✅ No rate, subject, for students

  • ✅ dashboard -> update user - no any medium

  • Rivisions

  • Change favicon.ico

  • ✅ Custom 404 page

  • A function should run in every hour to delete unverified users - setInterval

  • ✅ Image optimizations - - test with lighthouse private window

  • ✅ Next.js -> start loading in one page(e.g. login) turn off loading from another page(e.g. dasboard page). if request fails then turn off loading

  • ✅ (no need for our project)improve the initial loading performance

  • Deployment guide, Static HTML Export

  • Show properly one by one Medium -> classes -> subjects (required field - hide when it unchecked)

  • no education, no tution detail, prefered subject and classes detail for student,

  • ✅ No gmail login

  • Google place api error

  • ✅ highest education

  • ✅ Modal calculating tuition fee

  • Style improvement in tuition style - online / teacher's location / student's location in registration page

  • ✅ rate for tuition style -> different rates for student's location teacher's location and online

  • add in message

  • ✅ Exam detail form - list all exam on component mount

  • ✅ Add education freely

  • ✅ Experience below the name - dashboard page

  • Update tuition detail rates for diffrent tuition stule

  • Search result display properly with diffrent rate

    1. Personal detail and tuition detail to be in one section and at top
    1. end section preffered subject
    1. 3rd section education detail
  • server - TL_SL_TL_SL

  • Should remove all educational detail from user model and keep it clean with education model relationship

  • Update medium is not working

  • Scheduled class and search request page need to modify used id as query parameters

  • Requirement update-6

  • ✅ Search component design change in home page

  • Add message after register(not working)

  • ✅ Exam title, major, institution, board, passing year - cerrently runnning

  • No subject edit in student dashboard

  • Medium in place of group after exam title

  • Medium class below student

  • ✅ District - list -

  • ✅ Add education freely (not working)

  • No board from education model backend and database

  • ✅ Show any field between running study and passing year

  • Search teacher design change

  • ✅ Make header smaller

  • ✅ make a refereance field for regestration

  • ✅ make sure updating education is working

  • ✅ Solve frontend hosting issue

  • ✅ Password vul dile code dekhai

  • ✅ Send verification code instead of otp

  • Check used class and subject is properly selecting or not

  • Problems adding tuition medium

  • Requirement update-7

  • Profile pic show korena

  • Personal Details e District name capital letter e ashena

  • Tuition rate edit kora jacchena

  • Education sector e institution er naam set korar por o show korena

  • Requirement update-8

  • Change calculator style for mobile

  • Create a sub domain

  • ✅ Remove these two lines from Registration page and change the button name to Submit

  • ✅ Change “Phone Number” to “Continue with Mobile No”

  • ✅ Remove the line and keep single line like the following pic

  • ✅ Remove the social media icons from here and add it in the right bottom side of foother

  • ✅ Change the verification message to “Your Ponditi verification code is : 784547”.

  • ✅ Align the Profile name and title in the middle and set the profile pic below them

  • Edit button in the personal Information section will take to the exact same interface where the teacher was registered

  • ✅ Change the profile pic frame to round and keep a camera icon as upload button in the top right side

  • ✅ Upload button in the profile pic with directly ask to select the pic from the device, Mobile phone will open the gallery directly

  • ✅ Remove the icon in the title and keep the title closer to the profile name

  • ✅ Remove the line from address

  • ✅ Keep the profile setting in the top right side of the navbar with profile name like the below pic and add Edit profile, Request history, change password & Logout options in the dropdown (See the pic below)

  • ✅ Keep the color to white removing ash color (No 1) and make the details bold(No 2)

  • ✅ No cancel button works in edit section

  • ✅ Keep all the checkboxes in the left side not in the right side

  • ✅ Add email address in the middle of the footer “

  • Requirement update-9

  • For student update only 1 medium and 1 class

  • Home text change

  • Change user table name

  • Admin - reject button is not working

  • Update mudium, class, subject is not working properly

Sequelize problems

  • Notification and education need to migrate properly with user when we add a new field to user
  • Setup sequelize from scretch - association and migrations

Ask questions


  • Update next js 13
  • Dockerizing
  • Using sequelize cli properly to migrate, and undo with associations
  • Testing

Deployment process(server)

  • Disable add admin route and seed route from admin router and get all users from user route
  • make npm start script in package.json for heroku deployment
  • Remove dotenv requirement from server.js for heroku deployment

Deployment on cpanel

  • Cpanel - domain -> Create a subdomain -> document root -> click on the file location
  • Upload the code
  • Software -> setup nodejs app
  • Application root will be the domain -> set application start up file
  • Install npm packages and start app

Nest.js entities

MsSQL queries

  • Delete all rows
truncate table TableName
  • Foreign key check
SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;
  • Migrations
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate:undo:all --to 20220215110049-migration-skeleton.js --url 'mssql://sa:Test1234@localhost/ponditi_db'
npx sequelize-cli db:migrate --url 'mssql://sa:Test1234@localhost/ponditi_db'



ALTER TABLE Customers ADD Email varchar(255);


  • We must make all the tracking of database changes

  • Add ref in User and remove board from Education

  • Add institution in User - ALTER TABLE User ADD institution VARCHAR(255); alternate ALTER TABLE dbo.[User] ADD institution VARCHAR(255);

  • Change table name

    // Change table names
    EXEC sp_rename 'User', 'Customer';
    EXEC sp_rename 'UserToClasstype', 'CustomerToClasstype';
    EXEC sp_rename 'UserToSubject', 'CustomerToSubject';
    EXEC sp_rename 'UniqueUserTuitionm', 'UniqueCustomerTuitionm';
    EXEC sp_rename 'UserToTuitionm', 'CustomerToTuitionm';
    // Change column name for many to many relation ship
    EXEC sp_RENAME 'CustomerToClasstype.UserId' , 'CustomerId', 'COLUMN';
    EXEC sp_RENAME 'CustomerToSubject.UserId' , 'CustomerId', 'COLUMN';
    EXEC sp_RENAME 'UniqueCustomerTuitionm.UserId' , 'CustomerId', 'COLUMN';
    // Change column name one to many
    EXEC sp_RENAME 'Education.UserId' , 'CustomerId', 'COLUMN';
    EXEC sp_RENAME 'Notification.UserId' , 'CustomerId', 'COLUMN';
    EXEC sp_RENAME 'CustomerToTuitionm.UserId' , 'CustomerId', 'COLUMN';


A learning management system. Functions: Calender, Pagination, Search, price calculator







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