Fruit Classification/Identififcation using TensorFlow-Keras on Fruits 360 dataset
Method/Code Snippet:
#get path to root dir
base_dir_path = os.getcwd()
#build path to train dir
train_dir_path = os.path.join(base_dir_path,'train')
#build path to test dir
test_dir_path = os.path.join(base_dir_path,'test')
Console Output:
Total Number of Classes in train DataSet: 95
Total Number of Classes in test DataSet: 95
Total Number of train samples: 48905
Total Number of test samples: 16421
Method/Code Snippet:
Console Output:
Apple Braeburn 492
Apple Golden 1 492
Apple Golden 2 492
Apple Golden 3 481
Apple Granny Smith 492
- I used MobileNetV2 architecutre, pre-trained on ImageNet dataset for feature extraction.
- Next I use these features and ran through a new classifier, which is trained from scratch.
- As stated in my Favourite Book: Deep Learning with Python. We took convolutional base(conv_base) of MobileNetV2, ran new data through it and trained a new classifier on top of the output.
- So basically, I extended the conv_base by adding Dense layer followed by DropOut layer, and running whole network on input data with data augmentation.
- Well!! this is computationally bit expensive, but meh!! I have enough processing power.
- Important Thing, I freeze the convolutional base so as to avoid updating their weights.
Method/Code Snippet:
#Get list of All classes
AllClassNames = getAllClassNames(train_dir_path)
num_of_classes = len(AllClassNames)
#build dict of clas_id and classname
DictOfClasses = {i : AllClassNames[i] for i in range(0, len(AllClassNames))}
#Compile classification model
Console Output:
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
mobilenetv2_1.00_224 (Model) (None, 1280) 2257984
flatten_1 (Flatten) (None, 1280) 0
dense_2 (Dense) (None, 512) 655872
dropout_1 (Dropout) (None, 512) 0
dense_3 (Dense) (None, 95) 48735
Total params: 2,962,591
Trainable params: 704,607
Non-trainable params: 2,257,984
Method/Code Snippet:
#Start training model on train dataset
trainingHistory,trainedModel_filename = trainClassifyModel(classifyModel)
#Plot the training results
Method/Code Snippet:
#path to test image
ImagePath = 'test/Banana Red/99_100.jpg'
#path to trained-saved model
path_trained_model = os.path.abspath(trainedModel_filename)
#load trained model
trainedModel = getTrainedModel(path_trained_model)
#perform predictions
AllProbs = predictFruitClass(ImagePath,trainedModel,DictOfClasses)
Console Output:
- Need more diverse data for each fruit class.
- It is really hard for model to infer the type of fruit, this may be due to closer properties(shape,color etc) of the object. I mean, it is easier for model to recognise Banana compared to other fruit class.
- For Example, model predicts Grape White as Guava. Refer Above grid image. This has been observed with several other fruit classes.
- Test with more epochs.
- Test with ResNet, InveptionV3,Xception models
- Add method to print Top-K predicted categories/classes.
- Add method to Evaluate prediction accuracy and loss on whole test dataset.
- MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications
- Deep Learning with Python, François Chollet.