The alfrasc\laravel-matomo-tracker
Laravel package is a wrapper for the piwik\piwik-php-tracker
. The Piwik php tracker allows serverside tracking.
- MatomoTracker Facade
- Queued tracking requests in Laravel queue
Feel free to suggest new features.
Via Composer
Require the alfrasc\laravel-matomo-tracker
package in your composer.json
and update your dependencies:
$ composer require alfrasc/laravel-matomo-tracker
Publish the config file (optional)
Run php artisan vendor:publish
to publish the config file if needed.
$ php artisan vendor:publish
Update your .env
Add these variables to your .env
file and configure it to fit your environment.
That's it!
You can use the facade to track.
MatomoTracker::doTrackPageView('Page Title')
Please see the page for basic method documentation.
Additionally there are some Methods to simplyfy the usage:
// instead of using
MatomoTracker::doTrackAction($actionUrl, 'download') // or
MatomoTracker::doTrackAction($actionUrl, 'link')
// you can use this
For queuing you can use these functions.
MatomoTracker::queuePageView(string $documentTitle)
MatomoTracker::queueEvent(string $category, string $action, $name = false, $value = false)
MatomoTracker::queueContentImpression(string $contentName, string $contentPiece = 'Unknown', $contentTarget = false)
MatomoTracker::queueContentInteraction(string $interaction, string $contentName, string $contentPiece = 'Unknown', $contentTarget = false)
MatomoTracker::queueSiteSearch(string $keyword, string $category = '', $countResults = false)
MatomoTracker::queueGoal($idGoal, $revencue = 0.0)
MatomoTracker::queueDownload(string $actionUrl)
MatomoTracker::queueOutlink(string $actionUrl)
MatomoTracker::queueEcommerceCartUpdate(float $grandTotal)
MatomoTracker::queueEcommerceOrder(float $orderId, float $grandTotal, float $subTotal = 0.0, float $tax = 0.0, float $shipping = 0.0, float $discount = 0.0)
For setting up queues, find the documentation on
Have a look in the page for basic settings documentation.
Additionaly these settings are available:
MatomoTracker::setCustomDimension(int $id, string $value) // only applicable if the custom dimensions plugin is installed on the Matomo installation
MatomoTracker::setCustomDimensions([]) // array of custom dimension objects {id: <int>, value: <string>} // bulk insert of custom dimensions and basic type checking
MatomoTracker::setCustomVariables([]) // array of custom variable objects {id: <int>, name: <string>, value: <string>, scope: <string>} // bulk insert of custom variables and basic type checking
Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see for details and a todolist.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
BSD-3-Clause. Please see the license file for more information.