Due to incorrect configurations or failure to properly manage configuration settings, it is possible for an attacker to exploit default or incorrect settings.
- Example
GET request to get system settings:
GET /api/configurations
using System.Web.Http;
namespace MyAPI.Controllers
public class UserController : ApiController
// GET api/user/{id}
public IHttpActionResult GetUser(int id)
// Fetch user data from the database without proper access control
var user = Database.GetUser(id);
return Ok(user);
// Other methods...
using System.Web.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization;
namespace MyAPI.Controllers
[Authorize] // Apply authorization to the controller
public class UserController : ApiController
// GET api/user/{id}
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")] // Restrict access to authorized users with the "Admin" role
public IHttpActionResult GetUser(int id)
// Fetch user data from the database only if the user has the "Admin" role
var user = Database.GetUser(id);
return Ok(user);
// Other methods...
Before sending a request to a given URL, check and validate the URI and destination resource carefully.
Limit the ability to receive information from external sources and limit the list of authorized access to remote URLs.
Using Whitelist to show only valid addresses and allow access to them.
Validate and filter user input and URL-related parameters before using them in the request.
Use network restrictions, such as firewalls, to restrict access to external resources.
Training the development team to properly evaluate and validate a URI before using it in requests.