E-commerce themed monoliythic server-side application template. None of the dependencies are required to use this template. I used AWS & MongoDB as example, but generic enough to use with any database or cloud provider.
- Easy to integrate different databases
- Easy to integrate api versioning
- Role based resource access.
- Highly loosely decoupled system.
Clone Project
git clone https://github.com/MehmetKaranlik/GO-Backend-Template
Go to main root of project & create a directory named Env & Navigate in to that directory in terminal and create this files mentioned below via using those commands.
And enter your credentials such as mongodb connection string & aws secret keys.
touch dev.env
touch prod.env
Navigate to root of project in terminal and type this command
go build main.go
More loosely coupling and example db integrations.
Testing and more testing
Server: GO,MongoDb,Aws
You can create an issue & fork project to solve and create pr.