A Pokemon discord bot implemented in python. Contains pokemon minigames, a simple TCG, and anime commands. Uses PostgreSQL.
- A pokemon trading card game where the objective is to collect them all! Features trading.
- Pokemon minigames such as hangman, a word scrambler game, a beta slot machine, and a guess the pokemon game.
- The assets for the pokemon guessing game are stored in the pokemon folder.
- Catch other discord members in a server (up to 3) and add them to your party! Features poke balls, great balls, ultra balls, and master balls.
- Has the following commands: party, catch, release, owner
- Buy items from AntLionMan's shop!
- Search information about an anime in MAL.
- Kawaii related anime commands: hug, kiss, baka, slap, punch, pat. These commands send a random anime picture and allows users to interact with one another.
- TicTacToe with another player. Use ,ttt (mention other player)to start a game and ,place (row number) (column number) to make a move. If no player is mentioned to play against, the player plays against the bot, which uses the minimax algorithm to make a move.
- Blackjack, Poker (5 Card Draw). The assets for cards are stored in the cards folder and abyss folder.
- Rock, paper, scissors
- Lottery, flip a coin, 8ball
- Buy arrows or bombs.
- Use the bot to search for a YouTube video.
- Search the definition of a word using the ,word command.
- Search the definition of a word in the user defined dictionary.
- UrbanDictionary
- Basic music commands such as join or leave a voice channel.
- Uses YouTube and plays the audio of a YouTube video in a voice channel.
- View information about the server or a discord member. Shows join date, ID, Name, etc.
- Information on the tables used are in postgres.pdf