CCD Algorithm for Solving Inverse Kinematics Problem in C++ with openGL.
Implememented a chain of links, that can be moved and rotated freely with the user's input and can use the CCD algorithm to reach the target.
This is the under-the-hood part that enables rendering meshes.
- mesh.cpp
- Mesh represention via openGL.
- shader.cpp
- Shader manager, with the ability to load and bind multiple textures.
- obj_lodaer.cpp
- .obj File parser.
The actual IKSolver implementation.
- main.cpp
- Entry point.
- IKSolver.cpp
- IKSolver manager.
- Cube.cpp
- Cube represention.
- SceneData.cpp
- Scene represention.
- InputHandler.cpp
- User input handler.
- display.cpp
- glfw Window wrapper.
- Config.cpp
- Cross project configurations.
Esc - Exit the program.
Mouse click
- Set current selected object, link part / target / background.
- Used color picking to calulate the selected object.
Mouse right drag
- Drag the currently selected (chain / target / non selected - scene) under the mouse's position.
Mouse left drag
- Rotations on the currently selected according to draggings. If a link in the chain was selected then rotate it, otherwise rotate the scene.
Mouse scroller
- Zooms in and out of the currently selected (target, chain or scene).
- Rotations on the currently selected according to draggings. If a link in the chain was selected then rotate it, otherwise rotate the scene.
- Stop / Start the CCD algorithm for the chain to reach the target. Once a target is reached, it's distance (< threshold) from the target is printed.
- If the target is out of reach then we output "cannot reach".
- Solve with other algorithms such as FABRIK and The Jacobian inverse technique.
- Ray picking in addition to the color picking.