Creation of a web application allowing Argent Bank's customers to log in and manage their accounts and profiles.
- Create a complete and responsive web application with react
- Use Redux to manage whole application's state
- Create an API model with a swagger.yml file for website's transactions part
SwaggerHub : transactions API model
- React v17.0.2
- react-router-dom v5.3.0
- Redux v5.3.0
- react-redux v7.2.5
- redux/toolkit v1.6.2
- redux-thunk v2.4.0
- axios v0.23.0
- prop-types v15.7.2
- Styled-Components v5.3.1
- Recommended IDE : Visual Studio code
- Clone backend repository :
cd Project-10-Bank-API
npm install
to install dependencies -
npm run dev:server
to start local dev server (port 3001) -
npm run populate-db
to populate database with two users
- Clone repository :
cd MelanieSarrouy_P13_18102021
to install dependencies -
yarn start
to launch application