Run the nginx:alpine container in a Pod:
kubectl run demopod --image=nginx:alpine
Create a pod with a YAML file. Apply can be used for both create & update:
kubectl create/apply <yml-file>
List only pods:
kubectl get pods
List all resources:
kubectl get all
Enable pod container to be called externally (by default only accessible within k8s cluster (external port:internal port
kubectl port-forward demopod 8080:80
Will cause pod to be re-created:
kubectl delete pod demopod
Delete deployment that managed the pod:
kubectl delete deployment demo-pod
Get information about pod (e.g. ip, container-image, etc.):
kubectl describe pod demopod
Jump into container of the pod:
kubectl exec demopod -it sh
Look at to pod logs:
kubectl logs demo-pod
Create/apply a replicaset:
kubectl create/apply -f myreplicaset.yml
Delete a replicaset:
kubectl get replicaset
Update a replicaset file:
kubectl replace -f myreplicaset.yml
Scale replicaset (without modifying the .yml file!):
kubectl scale -replicas=6 -f myreplicaset.yml
Create/apply a deployment:
kubectl apply -f file.deployment.yml
List all deployments:
kubectl get deployments
Show all deployments and their labels:
kubectl get deployment --show-labels
List all deployments and their labels:
kubectl get deployment --show-labels
Get all deployments with a specific label:
kubectl get deployment -l app-nginx
Delete a deployment with it's name or file name with all associated pods/containers:
kubectl delete deployment <deployment-name> | -f file.deployment.yml
Scale the deployment pods to 5, either with deployment name or YAML file:
kubectl scale deployment <deployment-name> | -f file.deployment.yml --replicas=5
Get information about deployment:
kubectl describe deployment simple-nginx
Create a ConfigMap and input value directly through command:
kubectl create configmap app-config --from-literal=APP_COLOR=blue
Another way to input configurations through a file:
kubectl create configmap app-config
List all ConfigMaps:
kubectl get configmaps
Describe a ConfigMap:
kubectl describe configmaps app-config
Apply a ConfigMap YAML file:
kubectl apply -f config-map.yml
List all secrets:
kubectl get secrets
Create a new secret:
kubectl create secret generic db-secret --from-literal=DB_Host=sql01 --from-literal=DB_User=root --from-literal=DB_Password=password123
Delete a secret:
kubectl delete secret generic db-secret