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Releases: Mentrillum/Slender-Fortress-Modified-Versions

Slender Fortress Modified

04 Nov 17:33
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  • Removed the special round 20 Dollars
  • Removed the cvar sf2_20dollarmode
  • Removed 20 Dollars in general
  • Added a new key value, "player_ignite_duration" (determines how long the afterburn effect should last, difficulty suffixes supported)
  • Hopefully made the kill radius more consistent
  • Kill radius now prioritizes targets of a boss, if a player is not a target they will not be killed
  • Advanced boss death cams should no longer make the actual boss itself do the death cam animation preventing doubled sound events from being played
  • Optimized the Page Rewards timer
  • In Page Rewards, reduced the afterburn effect from 10 seconds to 5 seconds
  • In Page Rewards, reduced the bleed duration from 8 seconds to 5 seconds

Slender Fortress Modified

02 Nov 18:39
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  • Fixed boss sound events
  • Fixed a bug where bosses with chase_upon_look and has chase initial animations wouldn't play the chase initial animations
  • Added a new boss section that modifies the boss' senses (currently only hearing)
  • Increased the default sound to alert threshold from 4 to 8 (basically makes bosses more forgiving when hearing sounds not in an alert state)
  • Its now possible for bosses to have a reset sound position cooldown (see documentation for more info)
  • Added a new key value, "auto_chase_sound_add_footsteps_loud"
  • Its now possible to customize added sound counts to the boss sound alert threshold (see documentation for more info)
  • Removed 3 key values, "search_sound_pos_discard_time", "search_sound_pos_dist_tolerance", and "search_sound_count_until_alert"

Slender Fortress Modified

26 Oct 13:59
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  • Corrected SF2_GetBossStunHealth not being read by sub plugins
  • Added a new forward, SF2_OnBossAttacked
  • Fixed a bug where sound_sight was not loaded
  • Removed the blue night vision for being too buggy
  • In Page Rewards, removed the instant kill abilities
  • In Page Rewards, possibly fixed a bug where rolling the losing all sprint roll would not regenerate naturally without jumping
  • Fixed a bug where getting a user's flashlight setting can return an invalid client
  • Fixed a bug where the special round Ducks would not replace the page model entities for the advanced map entities
  • Fixed a bug where the special round Page Detectors would not track advanced map entities
  • Changed the way proxies can see RED player outlines, it now requires them to be within 500 units and hold still or for the player to taunt, once the player has gotten an outline visible the proxy will keep seeing it until they die
  • Code cleanups
  • Fixed a bug where bosses with tight teleport ranges would get little if at all opportunities to spawn, this includes proxies
  • Fixed a bug where if a boss has an attribute "death cam on low health" would not apply to silent marked players
  • Bosses with chase_upon_look can now properly target other players that are also marked
  • Special rounds can now be enabled/disabled in the special rounds config with "enabled"

Slender Fortress Modified, The Finale Update

10 Oct 04:10
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This is the final update, I'm done with Slender Fortress Modified


  • Increased the Scout's sprint duration multiplier from 1.0 to 1.08
  • Increased the Scout's hearing multiplier for bosses from 0.7 to 0.8
  • Decreased the Medic's base uncalculated speed from 300 to 290
  • Fixed a bug where spotlights didn't work on attachments for bosses
  • Decreased the Half-Zatoichi's restore health from 10 to 5
  • The Market Gardener now only deals double damage on a successful crit rather than triple damage
  • Fixed a bug where the boss pack voting increments were bused sometimes

The End...

Slender Fortress 1.7.5 Modified

30 Sep 06:25
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This update requires a new config rewriter

It is also critical to split up boss packs if they are massive because the gamemode will crash if there are too many handles (32000) which the bosses need for this update


  • Precached every single key value
  • Removed backwards compatibility to make maintaining the code a lot easier
  • Added 5 forwards
  • Added 24 natives
  • Obtaining default boss key values are now much easier
  • Plugin is now compatible with Sourcemod 1.11 but incompatible with Sourcemod 1.10 (Will reconsider in the future)
  • Removed boss anger (Not needed)
  • Refactored code
  • The boss list is now precached
  • The boss vote menu now forces F1 to be the next voteable pack increment according to profiles_packs.cfg (so lets say its boss pack 3 and the next pack on the list is boss pack 4 which is voteable, F1 will be boss pack 4)
  • Reworked the teleport code to be extremely consistent
  • Removed unneeded code
  • sm_sf2_spawn_all_bosses now takes a 0-1 parameter that determines if bosses should spawn between 0.1 second intervals for performance sake
  • Removed unneeded gamedata
  • Possibly made proxy difficulty models consistent
  • Removed the ability to use profiles.cfg
  • Removed the ability to use boss pack configs
  • Boss stun, chase initial, spawn, rage, flee starting, and healing animations now have independent timers per animation
  • Increased the animation limit from 32 to 2,147,483,647
  • Reworked how companion groups spawn by chance
  • Added a attack key value, "dont_interrupt_chaseinitial"
  • Boss music themes (not "sound_music") can now use a new key value called "radius" which determines how far the music can play from
  • Reworked sound, attack, and animation sections
  • Every animation section can now use difficulty key values
  • Removed the Triple Bosses music

Known bugs

  • Music themes randomly stop upon changing difficulties
  • Player glows randomly disappear
  • MAYBE Single Player is inconsistent

Slender Fortress Modified

30 Sep 21:52
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  • Fixed a rare bug where the teleport code will throw an error
  • Removed sound_player_death and sound_player_death_all (Backwards compatibility removed)

Slender Fortress Modified

07 Jul 23:40
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  • Fixed the flashlights
  • Added some changes by Batfoxkid

Slender Fortress Modified

25 Jun 07:00
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  • Added a cvar that allows Nightmare, Apollyon, or both difficulties to be voted, this is off by default (sf2_nightmare_apollyon_votes)
  • It is no longer possible to use the command load_itempreset
  • In Boxing, fixed a bug where self healing bosses could run off and stayed softlock trying to target a path that should not be targeted potentially softlocking the game
  • Removed all whitespaces (mostly for myself as a developer, does not affect gameplay)
  • Fixed a bug where boss glows persisted when exiting ghost mode

Slender Fortress Modified

24 May 14:13
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  • Fixed a bug where bosses could be spawned before grace period ends

Slender Fortress 1.7.4 Modified

22 May 04:37
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  • Added a cvar that'll determine the boss visibility state making it easier or harder for players to peek and see bosses. Turning it off sets the boss visibility state to what we have as of the CBaseNPC update, turning it on will set the boss visibility state to what we had in base_boss. Note that boss creators can override this for their own bosses. (sf2_default_boss_visibility for the convar and "old_boss_visibility" for the key value)
  • Added 3 new class config key values
  • Soldier is now able to lose no sprint points while non-sprint jumping
  • The Market Gardener can now guarantee crits while airborne, including jumping like in Minecraft combat
  • The Engineer's flashlight is now quieter to bosses
  • Heavy is now immune to getting stuck in traps and alerting nearby bosses
  • The GRU and Evictions Notice now properly restore the Heavy's health once the weapon switches happen
  • Fixed a bug where Thanatophobia broke if the special round is triggered while a Medic was in RED before the special round triggers
  • Added a new random companion system
  • Decreased the default statue chase duration from 5 seconds to 2.5 seconds
  • Re-added the Single Player special round after getting some assistance and permission from Nexus Realities/Glub's developers
  • Decreased the minimum entity count from all players and bosses combined from 352 (All 32 players and 64 bosses) to 192, removing a useless entity and reworking the boss' hitbox for the final time
  • Damage indicators from bosses will no longer be displayed if the boss is in a stun cooldown, currently raging, isn't stunnable, or is currently being stunned
  • Code rewrites once again
  • Fixed a bug where the outline entity would sometime persist even if told to be deleted effectively decreasing entity counts when proxies spawn
  • Proxies should no longer receive critical hits for real and should not be able to double jump (Hopefully)
  • Bosses can now delete their effects more quickly and performantly
  • Fixed a bug where Boss Roulette would make the pages impossible to grab and would spawn bosses constantly
  • If a boss is removed from the game, the music should consistently stop now
  • The boss' entity health is now 1.5 billion
  • Collisions on the statue boss and animation events on statue bosses should now be picked up properly, otherwise I'm just overexaggerating for putting code in the wrong place
  • Health bars should now remove if no bosses with health bars are active on the map
  • Proxies should no longer spawn near dead targets
  • Fixed a bug where the add stun health, add speed + max speed, and add acceleration on bosses is not reset when they despawn
  • Finally updated the list of commands and CVars page on the wiki

Boss Additions

  • Obese and Shadow Man
  • SCP-173 + SCP-106 + SCP-096
  • Betheal Representatives
  • MLG Toliver Snipes
  • Shrek + Donkey
  • Psychos + Goliath
  • Deathslinger
  • Galaxie The Fairy V3