Halyard 2.2 ("Philadelphia")
Pre-releaseHalyard 2.2 release brings several new tools, improvements and bugfixes.
One of the newly introduced tools is Halyard Endpoint, which may help you to instantly setup a read-only SPARQL endpoint from command line on any of your cluster node, with optional custom API configuration that translates into pre-configured SPARQL query calls.
Another new experimental MapReduce tool is is Halyard Summary, it calculates RDF summary of a dataset in a form of self-described synthetic RDF schema with cardinality attributes. Halyard Summary does not have yet any fancy peer UI application to present the summary, however even raw summary data might be helpful in certain situations.
From the various improvements and bugfixes I would highlight RDF4J updated to version 2.4.1, improvements in ElasticSearch Indexer, fixes in bindings handling in Halyard Federated Queries, better handling of namespaces during Bulk Load, fixed handling of Sesame.NIL constant according to the RDF4J standard, and several fixes in documentation.