Electronic companion of the paper: "Consumer Choice Models and Estimation: A Review and Extensions" by
- Qi Feng: Mitchell E.Daniels, Jr. School of Management, Purdue University, annabellefeng@purdue.edu
- J.George Shanthikumar: Mitchell E.Daniels, Jr. School of Management, Purdue University shanthikumar@purdue.edu
- Mengying Xue: International Institute of Finance, School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, mengying.xue@gmail.com
This code was tested on:
- Mac OSX 14.5
- Python v3.7, v3.8
This project is designed based on the code from "A Comparative Empirical Study of Discrete Choice Models in Retail Operations" by Gerardo Berbeglia, Agustin Garassino, Gustavo Vulcano, GitHub - ajgara/choice-models: Python package to work with Discrete Choice Models. The "Origin_README.md"is the documentation for their code.
$ python Simulation_data_generate.py
to generate synthetic data for numerical experiments.
$ python estimate_ODA.py
to test on the Operational Data Analyatics (ODA) method.