Electronic companion of the paper: Data-Driven Reliable Facility Location Design by
- Hao Shen: School of Business, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, shenhao@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn
- Mengying Xue (Corresopnding Author): School of Management, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China, mengying.xue@gmail.com
- Zuo-Jun Max Shen: Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China maxshen@hku.hk
If you have any questions about how to use the code and generate the results, please contact the corresponding author.
This code was tested on:
- Ubuntu server equipped with 20 processors and 40G RAM.
- Gurobi 9.5 with Python API
Note: Please note that different versions of Gruobi and different platform may lead to small bias of the generated results.
: Network data from [Synder and Daskin (2005)](Larry Snyder » Data Sets for “Reliability Models for Facility Location: The Expected Failure Cost Case”), processed weather data from NOAA from 1950 to 2021 in json file, [source](Storm Events Database | National Centers for Environmental InformationStorm Events Database | National Centers for Environmental Information; folders for simulation dataRawDataNoCov/
: stores the generated simulation training and testing data based on randomly generated distributions in the no-covariate case (Section 5 of the paper). The data format is .csv.RawDataNoCovFileName/
: stores the name lists for the simulation traning and testing data with no covariates. The names are recorded in .txt files.RawData/
: stores the generated simulation training and testing data based on randomly generated distributions in the multi-covariate case (Section 6 of the paper).RawDataFileName/
: stores the name lists for the simulation training and testing data with covariates. The names are recorded in .txt files.RawDataDistribution/
: stores the randomly generated distributions on supplies and demands. The data format is .pkl. For the no covariate tests, the file is with the name "Node_%d-mu_%f.pkl", with the number of nodes in the network and the demand means (High-1.6 or Low-0.4). For the tests with multi-covariates, the file is in the name "Node_%d-cov_%d.pkl", with the number of nodes and the number of covariates.RawDataStorm/
: stores the generated synthetic data sets for the case study in Section 6. Each generated file records the states of each of 49 locations in 12 months over a year, from 1997 to 2021.RawDataStormFileName/
: stores the name lists for the synthetic data sets for case study.Storm/
: synthetic data file for the network with 49 nodes with disruption states using the data from NOAA. We refer readers to Section 6 in the manuscript to see the data processing of the weather data. Each row represents one historical record of weather hazard, and each column represents the state (disruption or not) of the 49 locations on the network. To generation this file, runDisruptionState()
: the aggregated data of the historical records downloaded from NOAA. Used for generatingdisruption_49.json
: XXX in [49,50,100,150], location data in [Synder and Daskin (2005)](Reliability Models for Facility Location)UCFLDataXXX.txt
: XXX in [10,20,50,75,100,150], location data in Synder and Daskin (2005) and later processed by [Li et al. (2022)](A General Model and Efficient Algorithms for Reliable Facility Location Problem Under Uncertain Disruptions | INFORMS Journal on Computing)
: Python code for preprocessing raw data and generating synthetic data used in numerical studies.- ``DataGenerateNoCov.py` :generates synthetic data for the numerical experiments in Section 5.
: loads the information from Synder and Daskin's data set, and generates synthetic data in the multi-covarate case for the numerical experiments in Section 6.2.DataGenerateStorm.py
: generates the monthly location states data based on the weather data from NOAA for the test in Section 6.3.DataProcess.py
: used for the data processing before the optimization in our PUB estimator.StormDataProcess.py
: processes the original weather data from NOAA. See the details in Section 6 in the paper.
: Python code for marginal-moment method in [Lu et al. (2015)](Reliable Facility Location Design Under Uncertain Correlated Disruptions | Manufacturing & Service Operations Management) and cross moment method in [Li et al. (2022)](A General Model and Efficient Algorithms for Reliable Facility Location Problem Under Uncertain Disruptions | INFORMS Journal on Computing), denoted as MM, CM, or MM-COV, CM-COV in the paper.CrossMomentFunc.py
: functions for cross moment methodSUPCrossMoment.py
: the constraint-generation optimization function for cross moment method. This original method was revised by us.MarginalMoment.py
: functions for marginal moment method, including the constraint-generation optimziation function,MomentData.py
: functions on obtaining the moment information from the data.
: folder for average performances of all the tested methods, including PUB, WASS, MM, and CM in Section 5.1, PUB-COV, MM-COV, and CM-COV in Section 6./reliability/
: detailed results for each data set/Storm/
: results for the case study
:Python code for optimizing the RFLP using type-\infty wasserstein DRO in [Xie (2020)](Tractable reformulations of two-stage distributionally robust linear programs over the type-∞ Wasserstein ball - ScienceDirectTractable reformulations of two-stage distributionally robust linear programs over the type-∞ Wasserstein ball - ScienceDirect), denoted as Wass in the paper.Wasserstein.py
: Python code for RFLP using PUB estimator proposed by Data-driven Reliable Faciltiy Location Problem, denoted as PUB or PUB-COV in the paper.-
: constraint-generation algorithm SUPFunc.py
: functions on obtaining the cost, worst-case distributions
: Python code for RFLP using sample average approximation method.SAA.py
: optimizaiton function for SAASAAFunc.py
functions on obtaining the cost in SAA
: Python codes for testing reliability and generating average performances of RFLP using PUB estimator, Wasserstein DRO, and moment based methods.Reliability_PUB.py
:functions on finding the conservative paramters for PUB estimators in in the paper Data-driven Reliable Faciltiy Location Design.Reliability_Wass.py
: functions on finding the conservative paramters for type-$\infty$ Wasserstein DRO in [Xie (2020)](Tractable reformulations of two-stage distributionally robust linear programs over the type-∞ Wasserstein ball - ScienceDirectTractable reformulations of two-stage distributionally robust linear programs over the type-∞ Wasserstein ball - ScienceDirect).test_reliability_moment.py
: generate the performances of four moment-based methods, including marginal moment with no covariates and with covariates, and cross-moment method with no covariates and with covariates, in the numerical experiments, including the objectives, out-of-sample costs, reliability, optimality gap, computational time.test_reliability_PUBNoCov.py
: generate the performances for the PUB estimator in the no-covariate case.test_reliability_PUB.py
: generate the performances for the PUB estimator in the multi-covariate case.test_reliability_SAA.py
: generate the performances for the sample average approximation method.test_reliability_Wass.py
: generate performances for the type-\infty average approximation method.
: Python code for utility functions and constants used in the experimentsConstants.py
: constants used in the experimentsdist.py
: functions on calculating the distance between two locationsUtils.py
: utility functions
: Python code for the plots in the paper Data-driven Reliable Faciltiy Location Design.plot.py
: Original numeric results for the figures and tables in the paper, using the data inData/
Run each of the following scripts, and the result file is in the format of .csv
and will be stored in the folder /result/
. The plots will be in the format of .pdf
and will be stored in the folder /plot/
: generates synthetic data and case study datarun_Figure1_abc.py
: generates the numerical results for plotting Figure 1 (a) (b) (c) on page 21.plot_Figure1_abc.py
: generates Figure 1 (a) (b) (c) after finishing runningrun_Figure1_abc.py
: generates the numerical results for plotting Figure 1 (d) (e) (f) on page 21.plot_Figure1_def.py
: generates Figure 1 (d) (e) (f) after finishing runningrun_Figure1_def.py
: generates the numerical results for plotting Figure 2 (a) (b) (c) on page 22.plot_Figure2_abc.py
: generates Figure 2 (a) (b) (c) after finishing runningrun_Figure2_abc.py
: generates the numerical results for plotting Figure 2 (d) (e) (f) on page 22.plot_Figure2_def.py
: generates Figure 2 (d) (e) (f) after finishing runningrun_Figure2_def.py
: generates the numerical results for computational efficiency tests in Section 5.2.run_Figure4.py
: generates the numerical results for plotting Figure 4 on page 27.plol_Figure4.py
: generates Figure 4 after finishing runningrun_Figure4.py
: generates the numerical results for the case study.plot_Case_Study.py
: generates FIgure 5 and the numbers in Table 1 after finishing runningrun_Case_Study.py
: generates the approximated true optimum for the tests in Figure 1 and Figure 2 in Section 5.1.run_SAA_Cov.py
: generates the approximated true optimum for the tests in Figure 4 in Section 6.2.
The following scripts are designed for running the single method in each test. You can skip these if you are not interested.
generates performances for PUB estimators in data with no covariate (results for Section 5.1 and 5.2)run_PUB_Cov.py
:generates performances for PUB estimators in data with covariates (results for Section 6.2)run_moment_NoCov.py
: generates test results for marginal momemt and cross moment methods in the data with no covariate (results for Section 5.1 and 5.2)run_moment_Cov.py
: generates test results for the marginal momemt with no cov and cov, and cross moment method with no cov and cov in the data with multi-covariates (results for Section 6.2)run_wass.py
: generates test results type-$\infty$ wasserstein DRO method.run_PUB_Storm.py
: generates the performance of PUB estimator with covariates in the case study using the weather data from NOAA (results in Section 6.3)run_moment_storm.py
: generates the performance of marginal and cross moment based methods with covariates in the case study using the weather data from NOAA (results in Section 6.3)
This section provides step-by-step instructions for the all the numerical results presented in the paper.
Please read and follow these steps carefully for a successful implementation.
The simulation data we used for the paper has been put in the folder
. All experiments will access data files from this location. For details on data generation, please refer to Section 3.8 Generating Simulation Data.
- Set Line 10 of
mu_coeff = 1.6
and run "run_SAA_NoCov.py".
(i) The input for this step is /Data/RawDataNoCov/Real_Node_10-mu_1.600000-truncate_1.csv
, and the output for this step will be saved in /result/SAA_node10_Mu_1.600000_Truncate_1.csv
- Set Line 17 of Python Script
NumDataSet = [10,25,50,75,100,250,500,750,1000]
and run run_Figure1_abc.py
(i) The input for this step is Data/RawDataNoCovFileName/Train_Node_10-mu_1.600000-truncate_1.txt
(the list of filenames of the simulated data files) and Data/RawDataNoCov/Train_Node_10-mu_1.600000-truncate_1-Simulate_X.csv
for X from 0 to 99, and Data/RawDataNoCov/Test_Node_10-mu_1.600000-truncate_1-Length_10000.csv
, and Data/UCFLData10.txt
. The output for this step is put in /result/
, with the name Reliability_KolNoCov_Node10_DataX_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_1.600000_Truncate_1.csv
and Reliability_Wasserstein_Node10_DataX_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_1.600000_Truncate_1.csv
with X in NumDataSet.
(ii) In the python script run_Figure1_abc.py
, we run 9 problem instances, indexed by variable "num_data" selected from array "NumDataSet", for each of the two methods (i.e., PUB, Wass), where the results for PUB is obtained by function test_Reliability_PUB_NoCov(), and the results for Wass is obtained by the function test_Reliability_Wasserstein(). For each problem instance and each method, we obtain three performance measures, namely, the "in-sample performance", the "out-of-sample performance", and the "reliablility", of this method.
(iii) If you run all the instances using the FOR loop as shown in run_Figure1_abc.py
, the total computational time will be several days. However, all 9 instances of two functions can be run in parallel.
- Run
The numerical results we have generated for Figure 1(a) (b) (c) are stored in folder
. If you want to generate the exact figure in the paper, copy the contents in/Results_Paper/
, and run this step. -
There will be three generated figures in ".pdf" in the folder "/Plot/: The correspondence with Figure 1 (a),(b),(c) on Page 21 are:
Figure 1-(a):In-sample Performance_PUB_Wass_Node10_NoCov_Case_H.pdf
Figure 1-(b): Out-of-sample Performance_PUB_Wass_Node10_NoCov_Case_H.pdf
Figure 1-(c): Reliability_PUB_Wass_Node10_NoCov_Case_H.pdf
- Set Line 10 of
mu_coeff = 0.4
and run run_SAA_NoCov.py
(i) The input for this step is /Data/RawDataNoCov/Real_Node_10-mu_0.400000-truncate_1.csv
, and the output for this step will be saved in /result/SAA_node10_Mu_0.400000_Truncate_1.csv
- Set Line 17 of Python Script
NumDataSet = [10,25,50,75,100,250,500,750,1000]
and runrun_Figure1_def.py
(i) The input for this step is Data/RawDataNoCovFileName/Train_Node_10-mu_0.400000-truncate_1.txt
(the list of filenames of the simulated data files) and Data/RawDataNoCov/Train_Node_10-mu_0.400000-truncate_1-Simulate_X.csv
for X from 0 to 99, and Data/RawDataNoCov/Test_Node_10-mu_0.400000-truncate_1-Length_10000.csv
, , and Data/UCFLData10.txt
. �The output for this step is put in /result/
, with the name "Reliability_KolNoCov_Node10_DataX_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_0.400000_Truncate_1.csv
and Reliability_Wasserstein_Node10_DataX_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_0.400000_Truncate_1.csv
with X in NumDataSet.
(ii) In the python script run_Figure1_def.py
, we run 9 problem instances, indexed by num_data selected from NumDataSet, for each of the three methods (i.e., PUB, Wass), where the results for PUB is obtained by function test_Reliability_PUB_NoCov(), and the results for Wass is obtained by the function test_Reliability_Wasserstein(). For each problem instance and each method, we obtain three performance measures, namely, the "in-sample performance", the "out-of-sample performance", and the "reliablility", of this method.
(iii) If you run all the instances using the FOR loop as shown in run_Figure1_def.py
, the total computational time will be several days. However, all 9 instances of two functions can be run in parallel.
- Run
The numerical results we have generated for Figure 1(d) (e) (f) are copied in folder
. If you want to generate the exact figure in the paper, copy the contents in/Reults_Paper/
, and run this step. -
There will be three generated figures in ".pdf" in the folder "/Plot/: The correspondence with Figure 1 (d),(e),(f) on Page 21 are:
Figure 1-(d):In-sample Performance_PUB_Wass_Node10_NoCov_Case_L.pdf
Figure 1-(e): Out-of-sample Performance_PUB_Wass_Node10_NoCov_Case_L.pdf
Figure 1-(f): Reliability_PUB_Wass_Node10_NoCov_Case_L.pdf
- Set Line 10 of
mu_coeff = 1.6
and run "run_SAA_NoCov.py".
(i) The input for this step is /Data/RawDataNoCov/Real_Node_10-mu_1.600000-truncate_1.csv
, and the output for this step will be saved in /result/SAA_node10_Mu_1.600000_Truncate_1.csv
(ii) If you have done the steps for Section 5.1.1 Figure 1(a) (b) (b), you can skip this step.
- Set Line 12 of Python Script
NumDataSet = [10,25,50,75,100,250,500,750,1000]
and run `run_Figure2_abc.py".
(i) The input for this step is Data/RawDataNoCovFileName/Train_Node_10-mu_1.600000-truncate_1.txt
(the list of filenames of the simulated data files) and Data/RawDataNoCov/Train_Node_10-mu_1.600000-truncate_1-Simulate_X.csv
for X from 0 to 99, Data/RawDataNoCov/Test_Node_10-mu_1.600000-truncate_1-Length_10000.csv
, and Data/UCFLData10.txt
.The output for this step is put in /result/
, with the name "Reliability_KolNoCov_Node10_DataX_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_1.600000_Truncate_1.csv
and Reliability_moment_Node10_DataX_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_1.600000_Truncate_1.csv
with X in NumDataSet.
(ii) In the python script run_Figure2_abc.py
, we run 9 problem instances, indexed by num_data selected from NumDataSet, for each of the three methods (i.e., PUB, MM, CM), where the results for PUB is obtained by function test_Reliability_PUB_NoCov(), and the results for both MM and CM are obtained by the function test_Reliability_mm_NoCov(). For each problem instance and each method, we obtain three performance measures, namely, the "in-sample performance", the "out-of-sample performance", and the "reliablility", of this method.
(iii) If you run all the instances using the FOR loop as shown in run_Figure2_abc.py
, the total computational time will be several days. However, all 9 instances of the two functions could be run in parallel.
(iv) If the python script run_Figure1_abc.py
has been run, then the code on Line 19.
test_Reliability_PUB_NoCov(train_data_lst, test_data, info, num_node, num_data, 1, beta_, mu_coeff, truncate)
can be commented out. Since the results for "PUB_NoCov" has been generated when runing the experiments for Section 5.1.1.
- Run
The numerical results we have generated for Figure 2 (a) (b) (c) are copied in folder
. If you want to generate the exact figure in the paper, copy the contents in/Reults_Paper/
, and run this step. -
There will be three generated figures in ".pdf" in the folder "/Plot/: The correspondence with Figure 2 (a),(b),(c) on Page 22 are:
Figure 2-(a):"In-sample Performance_PUB_Moment_Node10_NoCov_Case_H.pdf
Figure 2-(b): Out-of-sample Performance_PUB_Moment_Node10_NoCov_Case_H.pdf
Figure 2-(c): Reliability_PUB_Moment_Node10_NoCov_Case_H.pdf
- Set Line 10 of
mu_coeff = 0.4
and run run_SAA_NoCov.py
(i) The input for this step is /Data/RawDataNoCov/Real_Node_10-mu_0.400000-truncate_1.csv
, and the output for this step will be saved in /result/SAA_node10_Mu_0.400000_Truncate_1.csv
(ii) If you have done the steps for Section 5.1.1 Figure 1(d) (e) (f), you can skip this step.
- Set Line 12 of Python Script
NumDataSet = [10,25,50,75,100,250,500,750,1000]
and run run_Figure2_def.py
(i) The input for this step is Data/RawDataNoCovFileName/Train_Node_10-mu_0.400000-truncate_1.txt
(the list of filenames of the simulated data files) and Data/RawDataNoCov/Train_Node_10-mu_0.400000-truncate_1-Simulate_X.csv
for X from 0 to 99, Data/RawDataNoCov/Test_Node_10-mu_0.400000-truncate_1-Length_10000.csv
, and Data/UCFLData10.txt
.The output for this step is put in /result/
, with the name "Reliability_KolNoCov_Node10_DataX_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_0.400000_Truncate_1.csv
and Reliability_moment_Node10_DataX_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_0.400000_Truncate_1.csv
with X in NumDataSet.
(ii) In the python script run_Figure2_def.py
, we run 9 problem instances, indexed by num_data selected from NumDataSet, for each of the three methods (i.e., PUB, MM, CM), where the results for PUB is obtained by function test_Reliability_PUB_NoCov(), and the results for both MM and CM are obtained by the function test_Reliability_mm_NoCov(). For each problem instance and each method, we obtain three performance measures, namely, the "in-sample performance", the "out-of-sample performance", and the "reliablility", of this method.
(iii) If you run all the instances using the FOR loop as shown in run_Figure2_def.py
, the total computational time will be several days. However, all 9 instances of the two functions could be run in parallel.
(iv) If the python script run_Figure1_def.py
has been run, then the code on Line 19,
test_Reliability_PUB_NoCov(train_data_lst, test_data, info, num_node, num_data, 1, beta_, mu_coeff, truncate)
can be commented out. Since the results for "PUB_NoCov" has been generated when runing the experiments for Section 5.1.1.
- Run
The numerical results we have generated for Figure 2 (d) (e) (f) are copied in folder
. If you want to generate the exact figure in the paper, copy the contents in/Reults_Paper/
, and run this step. -
There will be three generated figures in ".pdf" in the folder "/Plot/: The correspondence with Figure 2 (d),(e),(f) on Page 22 are:
Figure 2-(d):In-sample Performance_PUB_Moment_Node10_NoCov_Case_L.pdf
Figure 2-(e): Out-of-sample Performance_PUB_Moment_Node10_NoCov_Case_L.pdf
Figure 2-(f): Reliability_PUB_Moment_Node10_NoCov_Case_L.pdf
Section 5.2 Computational Efficiency (Results shown in Table EC.1 in the appendix): Run the following step:
. The settings arenum_node_lst = [10,20,50] beta_ = 0.1 NumDataSet = [100,500,1000,5000,10000] mu_coeff = 1.6 truncate = 1
(i) The input for this step is Data/RawDataNoCovFileName/Train_Node_Y-mu_1.600000-truncate_1.txt
(the list of filenames of the simulated data files) and Data/RawDataNoCov/Train_Node_Y-mu_1.600000-truncate_1-Simulate_X.csv
for X from 0 to 99 and Y in num_node_lst, Data/RawDataNoCov/Test_Node_10-mu_1.600000-truncate_1-Length_10000.csv
, and Data/UCFLData10.txt
(ii) The generated results will be in the folder /result/
, with the name
The files for the method "PUB" will be in the name as" Reliability_KolNoCov_NodeX_DataY_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_1.600000_Truncate_1.csv
The files for the method "Wass" will be in the name as" Reliability_Wasserstein_NodeX_DataY_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_1.600000_Truncate_1.csv"
The files for the method "MM" or CM will be in the name as Reliability_moment_NodeX_DataY_Cov1_Beta0.1000_Mu_1.600000_Truncate_1.csv
, with "MM" corresponds with the "MM_nocov" in the table, "CM" corresponds with the "CM_nocov" in the table,
where X is in num_node_lst, Y is in NumDataSet.
(iii) In the python script run_Efficiency.py
, we run 12 problem instances, indexed by num_node selected from num_node_lst paired with num_data selected from NumDataSet, for each of the four methods (i.e., PUB, Wass, MM, CM), where the results for PUB is obtained by function test_Reliability_PUB_NoCov(), the results for Wass is generated from test_Reliability_Wasserstein() , and the results for both MM and CM are obtained by running the function test_Reliability_mm_NoCov(). For each problem instance and each method, we obtain four performance measures, namely, the "in-sample performance", the "out-of-sample performance", the "solution time" and "Gap", of this method.
(iv) In Table EC.1, "In-sample cost (
(v) If you run all the instances using the FOR loop as shown in run_Efficiency.py
, the total computational time will be several weeks. However, all 12 instances of three functions could be run in parallel.
(i) The input for this step is
, and the output for this step will be saved in/result/SAA_node10_cov2.csv
. -
Set Line 14 of Python Script
NumDataSet = [10,25,50,75,100,250,500,750,1000]
and run run_Figure4.py
(i) The input for this step is Data/RawDataFileName/Train_Node_10-Cov_2.txt
(the list of filenames of the simulated data files) and Data/RawData/Train_Node_10-Cov_2-Simulate_X.csv
for X from 0 to 99, Data/RawDataNoCov/Test_Node_10-Cov_2-Length_10000.csv
, and Data/UCFLData10.txt
.The output for this step is put in /result/
, with the name "Reliability_Kol_Node10_DataX_Cov2_Beta0.1000.csv
and Reliability_moment_Node10_DataX_Cov2.csv
with X in NumDataSet.
(ii) In the python script run_Figure4.py
, we run 9 problem instances, indexed by num_data selected from NumDataSet, for each of the three methods (i.e., PUB-COV, MM-COV, CM-COV), where the results for PUB-COV is obtained by function test_Reliability_PUB(), and the results for both MM-COV and CM-COV are obtained by the function test_Reliability_mm(). For each problem instance and each method, we obtain three performance measures, namely, the "in-sample performance", the "out-of-sample performance", and the "reliablility", of this method.
(iii) If you run all the instances using the FOR loop as shown in run_Figure4.py
, the total computational time will be several days. However, all 9 instances of two functions could be run in parallel.
- Run
The numerical results we have generated for Figure 4 are copied in folder
. If you want to generate the exact figure in the paper, copy the contents in/Reults_Paper/
There will be three generated figures in ".pdf" in the folder "/Plot/: The correspondence with Figure 4 (a),(b),(c) on Page 27 are:
Figure 4-(a): In-sample Performance_PUB_Moment_Node10_Cov2.pdf
Figure 4-(b): Out-of-sample Performance_PUB_Moment_Node10_Cov2.pdf
Figure 4-(c): Reliability_PUB_Moment_Node10_Cov2.pdf
Change the setting in
Num_reliability = 30 START_YEAR = 1996 END_YEAR = 2021
(i) The input for this step is
(the list of filenames of the simulated data files), andData/RawDataStorm/Train-TrainLength_1-TestLength_1-Node_49-Cov_2-Year_X.csv
for X from 1996 to 2020,Data/RawDataStorm/Test-TrainLength_1-TestLength_1-Node_49-Cov_2-Year_X.csv
for X from 1996 to 2020, andData/data49UFLP.xls
. The output for this step is put in/result/Storm
, with the nameMoment-Node_49-Cov_2-Beta_0.20.csv
(for MM-COV and CM-COV)andKol_cov-Node_49-Cov_2-Beta_0.20.csv
(for PUB-COV). -
- The numerical results we have generated for the case study are copied in folder
. If you want to generate the exact figure in the paper, copy the contents in/Results_Paper/Storm/
Figure 5 in the paper corresponds with the file
, the numbers in Table 3 will be printed out on screen. - The numerical results we have generated for the case study are copied in folder
Change the setting in Line 22 of "/Utility/Constants.py" as
Num_reliability = 50 ## number of loops when searching for the radius of r Num_Simulate = 100 ## number of data samples we use for the study
Run "data_generate.py". The generated data files will be in the folder
, which will cover the original data files. -
There exists some randomness in the generated data. Thus, if you regenerate a new set of simulated data, the figures and tables in the paper might not be exactly recovered, but the trends and patterns will hold. In particular, the advantage of PUB or PUB-COV over other methods (including Wass, MM, CM, MM-COV, CM-COV) will not change.