Warning: This project is usable with modifications but still a WiP.
Mesonet synchroclient is a group of scripts and playbooks used to automaticly synchronize users, projects and ssh keys from a gramc portal to a local cluster of servers. It also synchronise projects as local groups and local Slurm accounts.
- Ansible, with the community modules
- Python with the json, subprocess and requests modules
- Nodes in the cluster needs to be accessible from the script's server without human intervention (ex. private key method).
- Clone the repo
- Configure ansible hosts
- Configure ansible to return json formated format (In "ansible.cfg", section "[defaults]", set "callbacks_enabled=json" and "stdout_callback=json")
- Make sure in the "./lib/*" files that everything corresponds to your cluster's configuration (ansible playbook for propagation, ldap ids for new id computing, etc...)
- Add "0 1 * * * cd /path/to/cloned/dir/ && ./gramc_synchro_client.py >.gramc_synchro_client.log 2>.gramc_synchro_client.err" to cron
- Configure Ansible to run the playbook faster, for example in "ansible.cfg" in "[ssh_connection]" section:
- Enable pipelining with "pipelining=True"
- Enable ssh persistance with "ssh_args=-o ControlMaster=yes -o ControlPersist=60s"
You can run the "gramc_synchro_client.py" script with some environment variables to have a custom "ansible.cfg" file and a custom ".netrc" file
- Custom ansible configuration file: "ANSIBLE_CONFIG=$custom_path"
- Custom .netrc file: "NETRC=$custom_path"
├── doc/
│ └── json\_description.md
├── lib/
│ ├── account\_propag.ansible.yaml
│ ├── extract\_projects.jq
│ ├── get\_new\_id.sh
│ ├── gramc2juliet.jq
│ └── set\_slurm\_user.sh
├── readme.md
└── gramc\_synchro\_client.py