This pipeline is deprecated. Please use the CAP2 instead.
This is the core analysis pipeline which is run on every sample collected by the MetaSUB consortium. It is designed to provide a comprehensive set of analyses for metagenomic data.
Collaboration is welcome and encouraged.
Please start an issue or contact David C. Danko if you have questions about this pipeline.
Utilities are available to parse the output of the CAP. Please see the CAPalyzer. for details.
- KrakenHLL, searching RefSeq Microbial
- MetaPhlAn2
- Resistome + MegaRES
- HUMANn2 Pathway Profiling
- HUMANn2 Functional Gene Profiling
- Staph. Aureus n315
- Common Macrobial Genomes
- Kmer Profiles
- GC content
- Similarity to human body site microbiomes
- Microbe Directory Annotation
- Average Genome Size Estimation
See docs/ for more detail.
The MetaSUB CAP is a ModuleUltra pipeline. ModuleUltra stores results for a particular project in a repo. The instructions below will install ModuleUltra, the CAP, and create a new repo. If you are using Docker to run the CAP skip to the directions below for making a new repo.
pip install moduleultra
cd /analysis/dir
moduleultra init
moduleultra install
moduleultra add pipeline metasub_cap
After installing for the first time follow the instructions below to make a new repo.
cd /analysis/dir
moduleultra init
moduleultra add pipeline metasub_cap
To run the CAP use the following commands
cd /analysis/dir
datasuper bio add-fastqs -1 <forward file ext> -2 <reverse file ext> <sample_type> [<fastq files>...]
moduleultra run -p metasub_cap -j <njobs> [--dryrun]
To see more options just use the help commands
moduleultra run --help
moduleultra --help
datasuper --help
Most cluster systems will need a custom submit script. You can set a default script using the following command
moduleultra config cluster_submit /path/to/submit_script
Docker images for the MetaSUB CAP may be found on docker hub
You will still need to download the databases outside of docker. You can use the
script for this purpose.
To start a shell in the docker machine use the following command:
docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/local/dbs:/home/metasub/dbs -v $PWD:/home/metasub/repo metasub_cap:latest /bin/bash -c "source activate cap"
From within the shell in the docker machine you can run moduleultra as normal, but be sure to use the flag -c /home/metasub/
in order to correctly find the databases.
Roughly, a module is meant to encapsulate a single program (e.g. kraken or metaphlan). Each module should consist of 1-3 snakemake rules and a bit of metadata.
In order to add a module to the CAP you need to write a snakemake rule and a small amount of metadata describing the rule.
You can use snakemake_files/kraken_taxonomy_profiling.snkmk and snakemake_files/mash_intersample_dists.snkmk as examples for the snakemake rules.
You will also you need to add a result_type
to pipeline_definition.yml
describing the expected files output by your module.
This definition is a small Yaml dictionary that defines:
- The name of the module
- The names of the files in the modules
- The types of files in the module (you may also define your own file types)
- Any modules that your module depends on
- A flag if the module is run on groups of samples
ModuleUltra generates filename patterns for modules automatically. You may reference these filenames (or filenames from modules your module depends on) as config['<module_name>']['<file_type_name>']
for both Snakemake input and output fields.
Most modules will need extra parameters at runtime. These may be stored in
. There is no limit to what you can store though this should be lightweight.
If your module needs custom scripts you may add them to the scripts directory. You can reference this directory in your modules as config['pipeline_dir']['script_dir']
You should add your module on a separate branch named feature/add-module-<module_name>
How to make a branch
cd /path/to/MetaSUB_CAP
git checkout -b module/<module_name>
MIT License