Sudo Write { Thoughts } is a blogging platform where users can read articles, comment on posts, and interact with others. Registered users can create, update, and comment on posts, while unregistered users can view content and comments but cannot participate until logged in.
The platform includes a React frontend and an Express backend with the following functionalities:
- Frontend: Displays articles, allows user registration, and enables users to post comments.
- Backend: Handles authentication, article management (CRUD), and comment posting.
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- User Authentication: Only logged-in users can comment or post articles.
- Role-Based Access: Admin users can manage (create, update, delete) posts.
- Commenting System: Users can post comments, and admins can delete inappropriate comments.
- TinyMCE Editor: Articles are created and displayed using TinyMCE in read-only mode.
- Protected Routes: Users must log in to access certain features, like posting comments.
- Clone the repository
git clone
cd client
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Set up environment variables
- Navigate to the backend folder
cd ../server
- Install backend dependencies
npm install
Set up environment variables
Make sure you have a PostgreSQL database running
Run database migrations to set up the database schema
npx prisma migrate deploy
Frontend .env
VITE_REACT_APP_API_URL=<your_backend_base_url> # Example: http://localhost:4000
VITE_MCE_API_KEY=<your_tinymce_api_key> # Get from
Backend .env
DATABASE_URL=<your_postgresql_database_url> # Example: postgresql://user:pass@localhost:5432/db_name
JWT_SECRET=<your_jwt_secret> # Secret key for JWT signing
- Navigate to the backend folder
cd server
- Start the backend server
npm run dev
- Navigate to the frontend folder
cd client
- Start the frontend development server
npm run dev
- React: Library for building the UI.
- React Router: Client-side routing.
- Axios: To make HTTP requests to the backend.
- TinyMCE: WYSIWYG editor for creating and displaying post content.
- Vite: Fast development server and build tool.
- Node.js: Backend runtime environment.
- Express.js: Web framework for building the backend.
- PostgreSQL: Database for storing user and blog data.
- Prisma: ORM for database queries.
- JWT: For user authentication.
- bcrypt: For password hashing.
- POST /auth/register: Register a new user.
- POST /auth/login: Log in and get a JWT.
- POST /auth/logout: Log out the user by invalidating the refresh token.
- GET /posts: Get all blog posts.
- GET /posts/:id: Get details of a single post.
- POST /admin/posts: Create a new post (Admin only).
- PATCH /admin/posts/:id: Edit an existing post (Admin only).
- DELETE /admin/posts/:id: Delete a post (Admin only).
- POST /posts/:id/comment: Add a comment to a post (Logged-in users only).
- DELETE /admin/posts/:id/comment/:commentId: Delete a comment (Admin only).
Feel free to fork this project, open issues, or submit pull requests to improve the platform!