CAUTION: Pivotal does not provide support for these pipelines. If you find anything broken, then please submit PR's.
- This pipeline is based on the vSphere reference architecture
- Pre-requisites for using this pipeline are:
- 4 Networks (One for each of the Infrastructure, Deployment, Services and Dynamic Services)
- 3 AZ's (vSphere Clusters and/or Resource Pools)
- Shared storage (Ephemeral and Persistent)
- DNS with wildcard domains
IMPORTANT: If the above vSphere settings do not match your setup, please fork this repository and modify the tasks/config-opsdir/
and update the networks and AZ's JSON accordingly
Following in an example on how to fly
a pipeline:
> fly -t concourse-[ENV] login -c https://<CONCOURSE-URL> -k
> fly -t concourse-[ENV] set-pipeline -p install-pcf -c ./pipelines/install/pipeline.yml -l ./pipelines/install/params.yml
> fly -t concourse-[ENV] unpause-pipeline -p install-pcf
- New Install of PCF (OM/ERT)
- Reinstall of PCF (OM/ERT)
- Isolation Segments Installation
- RabbitMQ Installation
- Redis Installation
- Spring Cloud Services Installation
- MySQL-v1 Installation
- PCF Metrics Installation
- JMX Bridge Installation
- Healthwatch
- Splunk Nozzle
- New Relic Nozzle
- New Relic Service Broker [WIP]
- Spring Cloud Data Flow
- Single Signon Installation [WIP]
- Upgrade Buildpacks
- Upgrade Tile