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VSCode-style colorized brackets for Shiki

Basic Usage


# npm (use any of npx, yarn dlx, pnpm dlx, or bunx)
npx jsr add @michael-makes/shiki-colorized-brackets

# deno
deno add @michael-makes/shiki-colorized-brackets

Add to your Shiki transformers:

import shikiColorizedBrackets from '@michael-makes/shiki-colorized-brackets';
import { codeToHtml } from 'shiki';

const html = await codeToHtml('let values: number[] = [];', {
  lang: 'ts',
  theme: 'dark-plus',
  transformers: [shikiColorizedBrackets()],

Here's an example of what the above code looks like when highlighted with shiki-colorized-brackets:

The above code snippet highlighted with shiki-colorized-brackets



Brackets are automatically colored according to your Shiki theme (or themes if using dual themes), with support for all of Shiki's built-in themes. However, you can customize colors if you've added custom themes to Shiki, or if you want to override the colors of a built-in theme:

const html = await codeToHtml('let values: number[] = [];', {
  lang: 'ts',
  theme: myCustomTheme,
  transformers: [shikiColorizedBrackets({
    themes: {
      'my-custom-theme': ['goldenrod', 'blueviolet', 'dodgerblue', 'crimson'],

The final color is the mismatched bracket color. The other colors are for each "level" of bracket pair. Any valid CSS color can be used.

If no bracket colors are found for a theme, it falls back to the default dark-plus theme.


You can customize the bracket pairs:

const transformer = shikiColorizedBrackets({
  bracketPairs: [{ opener: '{', closer: '}' }],

The above would only colorize {} curly brackets. The default config colorizes [] square brackets, {} curly brackets, () parentheses, and <> angle brackets (only in TS type annotations).

For advanced usage, you can specify which TextMate scopes a bracket pair is allowed or denied in, using scopesAllowList and scopesDenyList. For example, the default config for <> angle brackets is:

  opener: "<",
  closer: ">",
  scopesAllowList: [

Language-specific Overrides

All settings can be overridden for specific languages using the langs option:

const transformer = shikiColorizedBrackets({
  langs: { ts: myCustomTypescriptConfig },


bun install

To run tests:

bun test

Writing Tests

tests/samples contains code snippets that annotate expected colors with @colors comments. Y, P, B are for the 3 levels of matched brackets (yellow, purple, blue), and R is for mismatched brackets (red). Values before @colors indicate the expected color of the bracket on the preceding line. Values after @colors are explicitly indexed. For example:

function first<T>(array: T[]) {
  //          Y YY        PPY Y @colors
  return array[0];
  //          P P @colors
// @colors 0=Y

In the final line, there's not room underneath the } to annotate the color, so an explicit index 0=Y is used after @colors.


VSCode-style bracket colorization for Shiki







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