import { cli } from '@monstermann/tables'
const result = cli.createTable({
columns: ['foo', 'bar'],
rows: [
{ foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar' },
comes with a bunch of options that should cover most basic needs.
Check out "Advanced" if you need more control!
import { cli } from '@monstermann/tables'
// Configure the keys of your columns and define their order:
columns: ['foo', 'bar'],
// Provide the data for your rows:
rows: [{ foo: 'Foo column content', bar: 'Bar column content' }],
// Set a custom stdout, used to truncate the table to fit on screen:
stdout: process.stdout,
// Force a custom max-width instead of relying on stdout: (default: undefined)
maxWidth: 100,
// Enable/disable the header row: (default: true)
useHeader: true,
// Enable/disable the top-most border row: (default: true)
useTopBorder: true,
// Enable/disable the bottom-most border row: (default: true)
useBottomBorder: true,
// Enable/disable the left-most border on each row: (default: true)
useLeftBorder: true,
// Enable/disable the right-most border on each row: (default: true)
useRightBorder: true,
// Enable/disable the border between each column: (default: true)
useDividerBorder: true,
// Enable/disable the border row between the header and first row: (default: true)
useHeaderSeparator: true,
// Enable/disable the border row between each row: (default: false)
useRowSeparator: false,
// Add paddings to each column: (default: 2)
padding: 2,
// Define the default alignment for all columns: (default: 'left')
columnAlignment: 'left',
// Define the alignment for specific columns: ('left' | 'center' | 'right')
columnAlignments: { foo: 'right' },
// Define the default style for all columns: (default: [])
columnStyle: ['blue'],
// Define the styles for specific columns: (default: {})
columnStyles: { foo: ['bold'] },
// Define the default alignment for all header columns: (default: 'center')
headerAlignment: 'center',
// Define the alignment for specific header columns: ('left' | 'center' | 'right')
headerAlignments: { foo: 'center' },
// Customize the titles for each header, by default `columns` is taken as-is:
headerTitles: { bar: 'Bar' },
// Define the default style for all headers: (default: ['bold'])
headerStyle: ['bold'],
// Define the styles for specific header columns: (default: {})
headerStyles: { foo: ['red'] },
// Define the style for all borders: (default: ['dim'])
borderStyle: ['dim'],
// Customize the borders:
borders: {
top: '─',
topLeft: '┌',
topRight: '┐',
topDivider: '┬',
bottom: '─',
bottomLeft: '└',
bottomRight: '┘',
bottomDivider: '┴',
left: '│',
right: '│',
divider: '│',
separator: '─',
separatorLeft: '├',
separatorRight: '┤',
separatorDivider: '┼',
Here are the valid alignment
This library uses picocolors under the hood, here are all the possible styles you can use:
const style = [
This library exposes functions that construct new cells & rows, meaning you can customize in high detail how each cell & row should look like.
Here is an example of what this looks like:
import { cli, renderRows } from '@monstermann/tables'
// Similar to the above `createTable`, but in this case just carries global default configuration,
// so you don't have to pass a million options to every single row:
const config = cli.createConfig({
columns: ['foo', 'bar'],
// As an example, let's set the default alignment for all rows:
alignment: 'center',
const rows = [
// Build your table by creating new rows, headers, etc:
cli.createRow(config, { foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar' }, {
// An example for overwriting the default alignment from above:
alignment: 'left',
// Now build the string!
const result = renderRows(rows, maxWidth)
Constructs the base configuration that should be used by all rows. These can be overwritten by all createXYZ
import { cli } from '@monstermann/tables'
const config = cli.createConfig({
// Configure the keys of your columns and define their order:
columns: ['foo', 'bar'],
// Add paddings to each column:
padding: 2,
// Define the default alignment for all columns:
columnAlignment: 'left',
// Define the alignment for specific columns:
columnAlignments: { foo: 'right' },
// Define the default style for all columns:
columnStyle: ['blue'],
// Define the styles for specific columns:
columnStyles: { foo: ['bold'] },
// Define the default alignment for all header columns:
headerAlignment: 'center',
// Define the alignment for specific header columns:
headerAlignments: { foo: 'center' },
// Customize the titles for each header, by default `columns` is taken as-is:
headerTitles: { bar: 'Bar' },
// Define the default style for all headers:
headerStyle: ['bold'],
// Define the styles for specific header columns:
headerStyles: { foo: ['red'] },
// Define the style for all borders:
borderStyle: ['dim'],
// Customize the borders:
borders: {
top: '─',
topLeft: '┌',
topRight: '┐',
topDivider: '┬',
bottom: '─',
bottomLeft: '└',
bottomRight: '┘',
bottomDivider: '┴',
left: '│',
right: '│',
divider: '│',
separator: '─',
separatorLeft: '├',
separatorRight: '┤',
separatorDivider: '┼',
Creates a new row containing the titles of each column.
import { cli } from '@monstermann/tables'
const row = cli.createHeader(config, {
// Overwrite `config.headerTitles`: (optional)
titles: {},
// Overwrite `config.borders.left`: (optional)
borderLeft: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.right`: (optional)
borderRight: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.divider`: (optional)
borderDivider: '',
// Overwrite `config.borderStyle`: (optional)
borderStyle: [],
// Overwrite `config.headerAlignment`: (optional)
alignment: 'center',
// Overwrite `config.headerAlignments`: (optional)
alignments: {},
// Overwrite `config.headerStyle`: (optional)
style: [],
// Overwrite `config.headerStyles`: (optional)
styles: {},
Creates a new row.
import { cli } from '@monstermann/tables'
const row = cli.createRow(config, {
// Define the row data:
row: { foo: 'Foo', bar: 'Bar' },
// Overwrite `config.borders.left`: (optional)
borderLeft: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.right`: (optional)
borderRight: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.divider`: (optional)
borderDivider: '',
// Overwrite `config.borderStyle`: (optional)
borderStyle: [],
// Overwrite `config.columnAlignment`: (optional)
alignment: 'center',
// Overwrite `config.columnAlignments`: (optional)
alignments: {},
// Overwrite `config.columnStyle`: (optional)
style: [],
// Overwrite `config.columnStyles`: (optional)
styles: {},
Creates a border row intended to be inserted between rows.
import { cli } from '@monstermann/tables'
const row = cli.createRowSeparator(config, {
// Overwrite `config.borders.separator`: (optional)
default: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.separatorLeft`: (optional)
left: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.separatorRight`: (optional)
right: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.separatorDivider`: (optional)
divider: '',
// Overwrite `config.borderStyle`: (optional)
style: [],
Creates a border row intended to be inserted at the very top.
import { cli } from '@monstermann/tables'
const row = cli.createBorderTop(config, {
// Overwrite ``: (optional)
default: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.topLeft`: (optional)
left: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.topRight`: (optional)
right: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.topDivider`: (optional)
divider: '',
// Overwrite `config.borderStyle`: (optional)
style: [],
Creates a border row intended to be inserted at the very bottom.
import { cli } from '@monstermann/tables'
const row = cli.createBorderBottom(config, {
// Overwrite `config.borders.bottom`: (optional)
default: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.bottomLeft`: (optional)
left: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.bottomRight`: (optional)
right: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.bottomDivider`: (optional)
divider: '',
// Overwrite `config.borderStyle`: (optional)
style: [],
Creates a new border row - this is what is used by createBorderTop
, createBorderBottom
and createRowSeparator
import { cli } from '@monstermann/tables'
const row = cli.createBorder(config, {
// Define the default character to use:
default: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.left`: (optional)
left: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.right`: (optional)
right: '',
// Overwrite `config.borders.divider`: (optional)
divider: '',
// Overwrite `config.borderStyle`: (optional)
style: [],
Creates a new Cell that you can use to manually build a row (Row = Cell[]
import { cli } from '@monstermann/tables'
const cell = createCell({
// The text content that should be displayed:
content: '',
// The padding to apply to either side: (default: 0)
padding: 2,
// The character to use for paddings: (default: ' ')
paddingChar: ' ',
// The character that should be used to align the columns: (default: ' ')
fillChar: ' ',
// The character that should be used as the truncation ellipsis: (default: '…')
truncationChar: '…',
// The border character that should be placed on the left side: (default: '')
borderLeft: '',
// The border character that should be placed on the right side: (default: '')
borderRight: '',
// The style that should be applied to borders: (default: [])
borderStyle: [],
// The style that should be applied to the content, paddingChar, fillChar and truncationChar: (default: [])
style: [],