Reading from AppleDict Binary (.dictionary)
sudo pip3 install lxml
Writing to AppleDict
sudo pip3 install lxml beautifulsoup4 html5lib
If you want to convert glossaries into AppleDict format on Mac OS X, you also need:
- GNU make as part of Command Line Tools for Xcode.
- Dictionary Development Kit as part of Additional Tools for
Xcode. Extract to
/Applications/Utilities/Dictionary Development Kit
Let's assume the Babylon dict is at
cd ~/Documents/Duden_Synonym/
python3 ~/Software/pyglossary/main.py --write-format=AppleDict Duden_Synonym.BGL Duden_Synonym-apple
cd Duden_Synonym-apple
make install
Launch Dictionary.app and test.
Let's assume the MDict dict is at
~/Documents/Duden-Oxford/Duden-Oxford DEED ver.20110408.mdx
Run the following command:
cd ~/Documents/Duden-Oxford/
python3 ~/Software/pyglossary/main.py --write-format=AppleDict "Duden-Oxford DEED ver.20110408.mdx" "Duden-Oxford DEED ver.20110408-apple"
cd "Duden-Oxford DEED ver.20110408-apple"
make install
Launch Dictionary.app and test.
Let's assume the MDict dict is at ~/Downloads/oald8/oald8.mdx
, along
with the image/audio resources file oald8.mdd
Run the following commands: :
cd ~/Downloads/oald8/
python3 ~/Software/pyglossary/main.py --write-format=AppleDict oald8.mdx oald8-apple
cd oald8-apple
This extracts dictionary into oald8.xml
and data resources into folder
. Hyperlinks use relative path. :
sed -i "" 's:src="/:src=":g' oald8.xml
Convert audio file from SPX format to WAV format. You need package
from MacPorts :
find OtherResources -name "*.spx" -execdir sh -c 'spx={};speexdec $spx ${spx%.*}.wav' \;
sed -i "" 's|sound://\([/_a-zA-Z0-9]*\).spx|\1.wav|g' oald8.xml
But be warned that the decoded WAVE audio can consume ~5 times more disk space!
Compile and install. :
make install
Launch Dictionary.app and test.