Attribute | Value |
Name | Wiktextract |
snake_case_name | wiktextract |
Description | Wiktextract (.jsonl) |
Extensions | .jsonl |
Read support | Yes |
Write support | No |
Single-file | Yes |
Kind | 📝 text |
Sort-on-write | default_no |
Sort key | (headword_lower ) |
Wiki | ― |
Website | @tatuylonen/wiktextract |
Name | Default | Type | Comment |
word_title | False |
bool | Add headwords title to beginning of definition |
pron_color | gray |
str | Pronunciation color |
gram_color | green |
str | Grammar color |
example_padding | 10px 20px |
str | Padding for examples (css value) |
audio | True |
bool | Enable audio |
audio_formats | ['ogg', 'mp3'] |
list | List of audio formats to use |
PyPI Links: lxml
To install, run:
pip3 install lxml