This is a simple unambitious minimal api for pointer addresses for Northern Ireland which act as an address lookup. This is a perfect example of a micro service that can be easily fired up.
Tech used:
- .Net Core 7
- Entity framework
- Swagger
- Jwt Authentication
To run:
Dotnet build - to build
Then to create the database (you need sql server installed) with 1 seeded entry: update-database in the Nuget package manager tools in Visual studio.
Jwt authentication
You need to add a key, Issuer and Audience in appsettings but I recommned always keeping these in your secrets file. Use to create a token or your own method and add to the swagger auth box.
I have commented out RequireAuthorization in the GetPointerAddressesEndpoint endpoints so you can test it without authentication if required.
app.MapGet("GetAddressByPostcode", async (string postCode, PointerContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken) =>
var pointerModel = await context.Pointer.AsNoTracking().Where(i => i.Postcode == FormatPostCode(postCode) && i.BuildingStatus == BuildingStatus && i.AddressStatus == AddressStatus).OrderBy(i => i.BuildingNumber).ToListAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
if (pointerModel.Count == 0)
return Results.NotFound("Addresses not found");
return TypedResults.Ok(pointerModel);
})/*.RequireAuthorization()*/; // Uncomment to use authentication