LoLFantasy is a decentralized application (dApp) where players can create mid-laner characters, join fantasy seasons, and compete for rewards. It leverages Chainlink VRF for randomness in stat generation and includes a token-based betting system for players to predict winners in competitive seasons.
- Create Mid-Laner: Players create a mid-laner character by using Chainlink VRF to generate stats. The character will have various attributes that will influence their success in fantasy seasons.
- Join Season: Once a mid-laner is created, players can join the season by paying a joining fee and compete with others.
- Compete and Win: At the end of each season, one player is chosen as the winner based on their character's performance.
- Betting System: Players can bet on which character will win the season using the game's native token, LoLToken.
The project consists of three main smart contracts:
LoLFantasy.sol: This contract manages the creation of mid-laners, season competitions, and the token betting system. It integrates with Chainlink VRF for randomness and handles rewards in the form of LoLToken and native currency.
LoLToken.sol: The ERC20 token contract that serves as the native currency of the game. It is used for placing bets and rewarding the winners.
LoLNft.sol: A non-fungible token (NFT) contract that represents ownership of unique assets within the game, such as special rewards or limited-edition characters.
- Random Stat Generation: Chainlink VRF ensures that mid-laner stats are generated randomly and fairly.
- Token Betting: Players can use LoLToken to place bets on the outcome of the season.
- VRF Integration: Chainlink VRF provides secure randomness for stat generation and winner selection.
- Season Management: The contract controls the state of the game, moving between open and calculating states during different phases of the season.
- Fund Distribution: Winners are rewarded with LoLToken and ETH.
- Smart Contracts: Solidity (Foundry)
- Blockchain: Sepolia Testnet
- Oracle: Chainlink VRF
- library: foundry-devops, solmate
- Tools: Foundry, Alchemy
The project utilizes unit and integration tests to ensure the reliability of the smart contracts. The primary objective of this project is to serve as a practical learning experience, enabling me to enhance my development skills in the areas of Solidity, ERC20 token implementation, and integrating betting mechanics in a decentralized manner.
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
git clone
cd lolfantasy