Heavily inspired by shadcn/ui/next-template
I was bothered starting new projects for frontendmentor, and I like having a consistent dev env
Either git clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/MichalBastrzyk/solidjs-template.git
# Then remove the .git directory
rm -rf .git
Or create new repo straight from github by clicking Use this template
Don't forget to rename the project in package.json
In the project directory, you can run:
Start dev server on port 3000
Build and starts vite preview server on port 3000
Runs a project wide typechecking using tsc
Runs a project wide eslint check and fixes fixable errors (great for tailwindcss classes ordering)
Runs a project wide eslint
Runs a project wide eslint check
Runs a project wide prettier formatting fixing all the stuff
Runs a project wide prettier formatting
All issues and pull request are welcome