This is a reference architecture that shows the evolution of a Node.js application from a monolithic application that is deployed directly onto instances with no containerization or orchestration, to a containerized microservices architecture orchestrated using Amazon EC2 Container Service.
- Part One: The base Node.js application
- Part Two: Moving the application to a container deployed using ECS
- Part Three: Breaking the monolith apart into microservices on ECS
Encountered the below errors when building the Node.js microservices.
Solution to error:
aws configure set aws_session_token "<<your session token>>"
[{"thread":1,"text":"Has anyone checked on the lich recently?","user":4}]
{"id":2,"username":"finn","name":"Finn 'the Human' Mertens","bio":"Adventurer and hero, last human, defender of good"}
{"id":2,"title":"Party at the candy kingdom tomorrow","createdBy":3}
[{"thread":2,"text":"Come party with the candy people tomorrow!","user":3},{"thread":2,"text":"Mathematical!","user":2},{"thread":2,"text":"I'll bring my guitar","user":1}]
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