This repository contains all the development files, (Python & C), to create your own MQTT based RGB matrix panel. Should take you under an hour to get this up and running from scratch.
If you don't already have Docker, then install:
curl -sSL | sh
Then pull the project-mqttpanel Docker image from DockerHub:
docker pull mickmake/project-mqttpanel:0.10
Create a Docker container:
docker create --name project-mqttpanel-0.10 --restart unless-stopped -p 1883:1883 --device /dev/mem:/dev/mem --privileged --user root mickmake/project-mqttpanel:0.10
Start it up: docker start project-mqttpanel-0.10
If you have the Mosquitto client tools installed somewhere, then you can change the background image using:
mosquitto_pub -d -h PI_HOSTNAME -t /display/background/load -m HeartBeat.gif
mosquitto_pub -d -h PI_HOSTNAME -t /display/background/load -m Hand4.gif
If you don't, you can use this Docker image to send MQTT messages:
docker run --rm -i -t mickmake/project-mqttpanel:0.10 /usr/bin/mosquitto_pub -d -h -t /display/background/load -m HeartBeat.gif
The GitHub repo has some handy shell scripts to stop, start, and publish MQTT messages.
Creating and starting the container:
Stopping the container:
docker stop project-mqttpanel-0.10
Publish MQTT messages using this container:
./ -t /display/background/load -m Alien.gif
, latest
/display/panel/brightness - Adjust the birghtness of the panel, (0 to 100).
/display/background/load - Load a different background image from the images directory, (/usr/local/share/rgbmatrix/images).
/display/time/format - Change the time display format, (uses strftime).
/display/time/show - Enable or disable time display.
/display/time/x - Change the 'x' position.
/display/time/y - Change the 'y' position.
/display/time/dir - Change the font directory, (shouldn't ned to do this).
/display/time/font - Font used.
/display/time/color - Text colour of the time display.
/display/date/format - Change the date display format, (uses strftime).
/display/date/show - Enable or disable date display.
/display/date/x - Change the 'x' position.
/display/date/y - Change the 'y' position.
/display/date/dir - Change the font directory, (shouldn't ned to do this).
/display/date/font - Font used.
/display/date/color - Text colour of the date display.
/display/text/format - What additional text you want to display.
/display/text/show - Enable or disable additional text display.
/display/text/x - Change the 'x' position.
/display/text/y - Change the 'y' position.
/display/text/dir - Change the font directory, (shouldn't ned to do this).
/display/text/font - Font used.
/display/text/color - Text colour of additional text.
Display "warning" in red text, change the background image and remove date and time display.
mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_pi -t /display/text/format -m 'Warning'
mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_pi -t /display/text/color -m '#FF0000'
mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_pi -t /display/background/load -m 'DancingSkeletons.gif'
mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_pi -t /display/date/show -m 0
mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_pi -t /display/time/show -m 0
Display "Congrats" in green text, and change the background image to clapping hands.
mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_pi -t /display/text/format -m 'Congrats'
mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_pi -t /display/text/color -m '#00FF00'
mosquitto_pub -h MQTT_pi -t /display/background/load -m 'Hand3.gif'
Two options.
- Pull from Docker Hub.
- Or you can use the GitHub method to build and run the container. The container ends up being around 250MB. DockerHub should be the quickest method if you don't want to customize, but once pulled you can modify.
(Docker Hub repo)[]
(Docker Cloud repo)[]
A simple docker pull mickmake/project-mqttpanel
will pull down the latest version.
start - Spin up a Docker container with the correct runtime configs. This will later support remote builds, (to avoid restarting containers).
docker create --name project-mqttpanel --restart unless-stopped -p 1883:1883 --device /dev/mem:/dev/mem --privileged --user root mickmake/project-mqttpanel:0.10
stop - Stop a Docker container.
docker stop project-mqttpanel
run - Run a Docker container in the foreground, (all STDOUT and STDERR will go to console). The Container will be removed on termination.
docker run --rm mickmake/project-mqttpanel:latest
shell - Run a shell, (/bin/bash), within a Docker container.
docker run --rm -i -t mickmake/project-mqttpanel:0.10 /bin/bash
rm - Remove the Docker container. Not needed if you use the -i -t
flags for shells.
docker container rm project-mqttpanel
Simply clone this repository to your local machine
git clone
make build
- Build Docker images. Build all versions from the base directory or specific versions from each directory.
make list
- List already built Docker images. List all versions from the base directory or specific versions from each directory.
make clean
- Remove already built Docker images. Remove all versions from the base directory or specific versions from each directory.
make push
- Push already built Docker images to Docker Hub, (only for MickMake admins). Push all versions from the base directory or specific versions from each directory.
When you cd
into a version directory you can also perform a few more actions.
make start
- Spin up a Docker container with the correct runtime configs.
make stop
- Stop a Docker container.
make run
- Run a Docker container in the foreground, (all STDOUT and STDERR will go to console). The Container be removed on termination.
make shell
- Run a shell, (/bin/bash), within a Docker container.
make rm
- Remove the Docker container.
make test
- Will issue a stop
, rm
, clean
, build
, create
and start
on a Docker container.