Application Deep Dive: Secure Cloud Connectivity and Voice Control Demo for Microchip WFI32-IoT Board
Devices: | PIC32 WFI32E | WFI32 | Trust&Go (ECC608) |
Features: | Secure Cloud connectivity | Voice Control |
The WFI32-IoT board comes pre-programmed and configured for demonstrating the connectivity to the AWS Cloud IoT Core. The demo uses AWS C SDK version 4.0 to establish MQTT connection to AWS broker, subscribe to cloud topic/s and publish to the cloud.
Please check out our Quick Start Guide to experience an out-of-the-box cloud connection to Microchip AWS Sandbox account. We have also gathered some FAQs and troubleshooting tips for you under the FAQ and Troubleshooting Page.
- Requirements
- Application Scope
- Application Structure
- Application Description
- Secure Provisioning & Transport Layer Security
- Understanding the Device Shadow in AWS
- Connecting to Your Cloud Instance
- Re-flash the demo
- Code generation using Harmony 3
- Power Save Modes
MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) v5.40 or later MPLAB® X IDE is a computer software program based on the open source NetBeans IDE from Oracle. It is used to develop applications for Microchip microcontrollers and digital signal controllers. It runs on Windows®, Mac OS® and Linux®. For the latest version, please refer to: MPLAB-X
MPLAB® XC32 Compiler v2.41 or later MPLAB® XC compilers support all of Microchip’s PIC, AVR and dsPIC devices where the code is written in the C programming language. XC32 is the recommended compiler for 32-bit PIC MCUs. In this lab, as well as with the succeeding labs, you will be using MPLAB® XC32 for an PIC MCU. For the latest version, please refer to: XC-Compiler
WFI32-IoT Board The WFI32-IoT board is a compact, easy-to-use development board that supports rapid prototyping of IoT devices and demonstrates cloud connectivity with voice control enablement. This kit is also a useful tool to evaluate the features of WFI32E01PC, the single-chip Wi-Fi module. The board also includes an on-board debugger and requires no external hardware to program and debug the MCU.
The WFI32-IoT-IoT development board has been created with the intention of demonstrating a one source solution for evaluation of existing cloud provider solutions. This example end-device leverages the catalog of devices, and libraries provided through Microchip's extensive product line to showcase a basic Internet of Things product connection. Data exchange between server and in field device is implemented using on board sensors for temperature and light value observations. Behavior actions are demonstrated through visual indication of the 'Data' LED as controlled through the Web based APIs.
General Out-Of-Box operation is as described below:
- Use the WFI32E01PC single-chip WiFi module to establish local WiFi connection to Router/Switch or Network source. The Blue 'Wi-Fi' LED is used to indicate this status.
- The on-module ATECC608A HSM is used to establishe a Secure (TLS) Socket Connection with select Cloud Provider using a TCP connection. The Green 'Connect' LED is used to indicate this status
- Using AWS C SDK, data is exchanged between client (end-device) and broker (cloud).
- Sensor Data is sent as Telemetry Data between device and broker at a periodic rate of 1 Second. The Yellow 'Data' LED blinks to indicate this status.
- Capture of Data sent from Broker to Device can be observed through a Serial terminal when USB-Micro is connected to WFI32-IoT board.
- Behavior variation can be observed on the 'Data' LED when triggered through the web based API and sent through the broker to end device.
Note: The SW1 & SW2 user buttons have no effect outside of variation of start-up operation where:
- SW1 held during boot-up: Enter Soft AP mode.
- SW1 & SW2 held during boot-up: Use factory default configuration. Default Wi-Fi credentials are {MCHP.IOT, microchip}
Note: The Red 'Data' LED remaining on may indicate a hardware fault.
The application runs multiple logical modules as follows:
App Logical Module | Source/Header Files | Role |
APP | app.c/.h | The main/central module that manages Wi-Fi functionality. |
APP_WIFI_PROV | app_wifi_prov.c/.h | Manages AP provisioning functionality to provision the device using AP mode |
APP_USB_MSD | app_usb_msd.c/.h | Manages Mass Storage Device functionality(*) |
APP_CTRL | app_ctrl.c.h | Manages device Control operations including LED management and sensors access |
APP_AWS | app_aws.c/.h | Manages AWS cloud connection/subscribe/publish functionality |
APP_COMMANDS | app_commands.c/.h | Manage User commands given via command line |
APP_OLED | app_oled.c/.h | Manage OLEDB click board |
APP_PS | app_ps.c/.h | Manage different power save modes |
(*) Mass Storage Device gives access to:
- Configure the device for Wi-Fi connection via WIFI.CFG.
- configure the device for cloud connection via cloud.json.
- Demo Webpage via clickme.html.
- Device registration for Alexa Voice control via voice.html.
- Publish payload for sensor data (telemetry)
- topic:
- payload:
{ "Light": lightValue, "Temp": temperatureValue }
- topic:
- Device publishes payload to update the Device Shadow
- topic:
- payload:
{ "state": { "reported": { "toggle": updatedToggleValue } } }
- topic:
- Web Interface publishes payload to Device Shadow
- topic:
- payload:
{ "state": { "desired": { "toggle": toBeUpdatedToggleValue } } }
- topic:
- Device subscribes to delta to receive actionable changes
- topic:
- payload:
{ "state": { "Light": lightValue, } }
- topic:
- The WFI32-IoT board publishes data from the on-board light and temperature sensor every 1 second to the cloud.
- The data received over the subscribed topic is displayed on a serial terminal and YELLOW LED blinks accordingly.
- File: src/app_aws.c.
- App function:
- File: src/app_aws.c
- App function:
- File: src/app_aws.c
- App function:
- File: src/app_aws.c
- App function:
- The WFI32-IoT board is shipped pre-provisioned for coordination with the AWS Cloud system.
- Security is achieved by using the WolfSSL Transport Layer Security (TLS) stack configured within Harmony 3 eco-system.
- A Pre-Manufacturing process has configured the appropriate slot locations on the ATECC608A HSM.
- All required certificates used for signing and authentication have been written to and 'locked' into allocated slots.
- This process is achieved through: Trust&Go
- Full scope of support for Secure Aspects of development can be found here: Trust Platform
- This process has been performed to allow for an Out Of Box (OOB) operation of the WFI32-IoT board along with supporting web page.
- Shadow Topic are a key application feature being supported through WFI32-IoT demo. Further reference can be found here: Shadow MQTT Topics
The AWS broker allows for the use of Shadow Topics. The Shadow Topics are used to retain a specific value within the Broker, so End-Device status updates can be managed.
- Shadow Topics are used to restore the state of variables, or applications.
- Shadow Topics retain expected values, and report if Published data reflects a difference in value.
- When difference exist, status of the delta is reported to those subscribed to appropriate topic messages.
Updates to the device shadow are published on
topic. When a message is sent to the board by changing the value of the toggle button in Control Your Device section:- This message is published on the
$aws/things/{thingName}/shadow/update topic
. - If the published value of toggle is different from the toggle value present in the AWS Device Shadow, the AWS Shadow service reports this change to the device by publishing a message on
topic. - The JSON structure of the message sent should appear as below
{ "state": { "desired": { "toggle": toBeUpdatedToggleValue } } }
- This message is published on the
The meta data, and delta difference will be reported via the Serial Terminal upon a difference between desired/reported.
In response to this, the end device publishes a message to
topic.- This message is published to report the update to the toggle attribute.
- The JSON structure of the message sent should appear as below
{ "state": { "reported": { "toggle": updatedToggleValue } } }
Application flow when using the device shadow
- You can read more about AWS device shadows here.
By default, the demo connects to an instance of AWS IoT maintained by Microchip. The demo lets you move the device connection between your cloud instance, and the Microchip maintained AWS IoT instance without a firmware change. Perform the following steps to get the device connected to your own cloud instance.
Create an AWS account or log in to your existing AWS account. Please refer to Set up your AWS account and Create AWS IoT resources for details.
Navigate to IoT Core console > Manage > Things and click on Create/ Register a Thing
Select Create a single thing
For thing name, copy and paste the thing name from the original demo web-app. This thing name originates from the device certificate and is used by the firmware to send messages to a unique topic.
Select defaults for the other fields and click Next at the bottom of the page.
Select Create thing without certificate in the next page.
Go to Secure > Policies and select Create a Policy.
- Create a new policy which allows all connected devices to perform all actions without restrictions
Note: This policy grants unrestricted access for all iot operations, and is to be used only in a development environment. For non-dev environments, all devices in your fleet must have credentials with privileges that authorize intended actions only, which include (but not limited to) AWS IoT MQTT actions such as publishing messages or subscribing to topics with specific scope and context. The specific permission policies can vary for your use cases. Identify the permission policies that best meet your business and security requirements.Please refer to sample policies and security best practices.
Item | Policy Parameter |
Name | allowAll |
Action | iot:* |
Resource Arn | * |
Effect | Allow |
- Navigate to Certificates > Create a certificate
Select Create with Get Started under Use my certificate.
In the next screen, click Next without making any selections.
Click on Select certificates.
On the Curiosity drive, you can find a xx.CER file with an alphanumeric name. Select this file when prompted to select a certificate.
Select Activate all and click Register certificates.
- Select the certificate and
- Click Attach policy and select the allowAll policy we created.
- Click Attach thing and choose the thing we created.
- Navigate to Settings and copy the endpoint URL
- On the Curiosity drive, open cloud.json.
Note: While editing cloud.json or WIFI.CFG manually, it is recommended to use Notepad . Other editors like Notepad++ can damage the underlying FAT12 FS. You can read more about this generic issue in the discussion here. In case you come across this, please re-flash the image to recover.
Replace the Endpoint attribute with the endpoint URL and save.
Reset the device. Now, the device will connect to your own cloud instance.
In the AWS IoT console, navigate to test and subscribe to topic +/sensors
You will be able to observe periodic temperature and light data coming into the console from your device.
To control the Yellow LED, publish the following message:
- topic:
- payload:
{ "state": { "desired": { "toggle": toBeUpdatedToggleValue } } }
- topic:
Depending on the value of toggle, the Yellow LED will be on/off for 2 seconds.
In case you want to re-flash the device, perform the following steps:
- Download and install MPLABX Integrated Programming Environment.
- Download the latest FW image (hex file) from the releases tab.
- Connect WFI32-IoT board USB to your PC.
- Select PIC32MZ1025W104132 device and PKOB tool then click on Connect.
- Browse your PC to load the downloaded hex file into IPE.
- Click on Program in the IPE and wait for device programming to complete.
To add additional features to the OOB demo, you might have to regenerate the demo code using Harmony3 after adding additional components or changing the existing configuration.
Ensure that you use the same version or Harmony 3 components used in the original demo codebase while regenerating code. You can see the version dependencies of the demo in harmony-manifest-success.yml
file found at WFI32-IoT\demo\cloud_sdk_demo\firmware\src\config\aws_sdk_wfi32_iot_freertos
into Harmony3 content manager.
In case of a mismatch between the Harmony 3 components present in the demo and the ones available in disk, Harmony3 Configurator will popup a warning screen during launch. In the case of the sample shown below, the Wireless
component available in disk is older 3.3.1
while the version used in the project is 3.4.0
It is recommended to use the same versions used in the project while regenerating the project.
To sync your Harmony3 setup to match the versions used in the demo, follow these steps:
Open Harmony3 Content manager
Navigate to
Local Packages
and click onLoad manifest file
When you select the project manifest file, the required versions of Harmony3 dependencies will be checked out by content manager.
Close content manager and open the Harmony configurator to continue.
While generating code, make sure that you use “USER_ALL” merge strategy.
The default demo code includes some changes to the generated “net_pres_enc_glue.c” file. Make sure that you retain the changes shown in the images below during code generation. These changes are to enable support for ECC608 TNGTLS in the TLS flow. If the right dependencies are loaded, there should not be any additional merges while regenerating code without any configuration change.
WFI32-IoT OOB demo supports following low power modes:
- PIC sleep modes: Extreme Deep Sleep mode (XDS), Deep Sleep mode (DS), Sleep and Idle
- WI-FI sleep modes: Connected sleep mode (WSM), Wi-Fi off (WOFF).
By default, OOB demo is configured to run into deep sleep mode (DS). Power peripheral library configuration details for DS mode is shown below in Harmony3 configurator project graph:
DS mode supports both RTCC and EXT INT0 (SW1 button press) as a wakeup source. Under this MHC configuration, you can use command line to choose between different PIC and Wi-Fi sleep modes as follows:power_mode <power_mode>
PIC Power Mode | Wi-Fi Power Mode | |
0 | IDLE | WSM_ON |
1 | IDLE | WOFF |
2 | SLEEP | WSM_ON |
3 | SLEEP | WOFF |
4 | DS/XDS | - |
5 | - | WON |
Note: RTCC default frequency is 1 second. Once you call "power_mode" command, this changes to 10 seconds. You can always change RTCC frequency using command line: rtcc_freq <freq_val>
In case you want to enable extreme deep sleep mode (XDS), then below modification to Power peripheral library Harmony3 configuration is needed:
XDS mode supports only EXT INT0 (SW1 button press) as a wakeup source.Following command is used to enter XDS sleep mode: power_mode 4