diff --git a/Instructions/Labs/LAB[PL-200]_M01L01_Environments.md b/Instructions/Labs/LAB[PL-200]_M01L01_Environments.md index 0c87473..c08bbd9 100644 --- a/Instructions/Labs/LAB[PL-200]_M01L01_Environments.md +++ b/Instructions/Labs/LAB[PL-200]_M01L01_Environments.md @@ -12,60 +12,63 @@ The tenant includes an environment named **Dev One** that you will do the majori **Note:** Depending on the browser that you are using, it is suggested that you disable any pop-up blockers that maybe enabled. This will allow pop-up windows to appear as they should. + ## Exercise 1 - Explore and create environments In this exercise, you will review the **Dev One** environment and create a *Production* environment to deploy solutions into. ### Task 1.1 - Explore the development environment -1. Navigate to the Power Platform admin center `https://aka.ms/ppac` and sign in with your Microsoft 365 credentials if prompted again. +1. Navigate to the Power Platform admin center `https://aka.ms/ppac` and sign in with your Microsoft 365 credentials if prompted again. + +1. Select **Get Started** or close the Welcome pop-up. -1. Select **Get Started** or close the Welcome pop-up. +1. Select **Environments** from the left navigation pane. There should be two environments, Contoso (default) and Dev One.. -1. Select **Environments** from the left navigation pane. There should be two environments, Contoso (default) and Dev One.. + ![Environment in the Power Platform admin center.](../media/ellipses-settings-dev.png) - ![Environment in the Power Platform admin center.](../media/ellipses-settings-dev.png) +1. Select the **Dev One** environment by clicking on the ellipses **...** next to its name to expand the drop down menu and select **Settings**. -1. Select the **Dev One** environment by clicking on the ellipses **...** next to its name to expand the drop down menu and select **Settings**. +1. Explore the different areas in **Settings** that you may be interested in but do not make any changes yet. -1. Explore the different areas in **Settings** that you may be interested in but do not make any changes yet. ### Task 1.2 – Create the production environment -1. Navigate to environments in the Power Platform admin center `https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/environments`. +1. Navigate to environments in the Power Platform admin center `https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/environments`. + +1. Select **+ New**. -1. Select **+ New**. + ![Environment in the Power Platform admin center.](../media/ppac-environments.png) - ![Environment in the Power Platform admin center.](../media/ppac-environments.png) +1. In the **Name** text box, enter **[my initials] Production**. (Example: PL Production). -1. In the **Name** text box, enter **[my initials] Production**. (Example: PL Production). +1. In the **Type** drop down, select **Developer**. -1. In the **Type** drop down, select **Developer**. + ![New environment.](../media/new-environment-production.png) - ![New environment.](../media/new-environment-production.png) +1. Leave all other selections as default and select **Next**. -1. Leave all other selections as default and select **Next**. +1. On the **Add Dataverse** tab, select **Save**. -1. On the **Add Dataverse** tab, select **Save**. +1. Your Production environment may take a few minutes to provision. Select **Refresh** if needed. When your environment **State** shows as **Ready**. -1. Your Production environment may take a few minutes to provision. Select **Refresh** if needed. When your environment **State** shows as **Ready**. +1. You should now see the following environments; Contoso (default), Dev One, and Production. -1. You should now see the following environments; Contoso (default), Dev One, and Production. + ![Environments.](../media/environments-all-dev-one.png) - ![Environments.](../media/environments-all-dev-one.png) + > **Note:** You will use the *Dev One* environment for all customizations in the labs. The *Production* environment will act as your live environment to import solutions into. - > **Note:** You will use the *Dev One* environment for all customizations in the labs. The *Production* environment will act as your live environment to import solutions into. ### Task 1.3 – Enable classic solution explorer -1. Navigate to environments in the Power Platform admin center `https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/environments`. +1. Navigate to environments in the Power Platform admin center `https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/environments`. -1. Select the **Dev One** environment. +1. Select the **Dev One** environment. -1. Select **Settings**. +1. Select **Settings**. -1. Expand **Product** and select **Behavior**. +1. Expand **Product** and select **Behavior**. -1. Toggle *Show the Switch to classic buttons in Power Apps* to **On**. +1. Toggle *Show the Switch to classic buttons in Power Apps* to **On**. -1. Select **Save**. +1. Select **Save**.