This is the MidnightBSD Ports Collection.
Downloaad or submit patches via github:
For documentation, consult:
The ports(7) manual page (man ports).
MidnightBSD website
If you would like to search for a port, you can do so easily by saying (in /usr/mports):
make search name="<name>"
make search key="<keyword>"
which will generate a list of all ports matching or . make search also supports wildcards, such as:
make search name="gtk*"
To use packages instead, use the mport command to install. You can find out what pacakges are available on the midnightbsd app store
You can also learn about package builds and their progress
To create packages, one must use the magus software, which is included in Tools/magus Tools/lib and so on.
NOTE: This tree will GROW significantly in size during normal usage! The distribution tar files can and do accumulate in /usr/mports/Distfiles, and the individual mports will also use up lots of space in their work subdirectories unless you remember to "make clean" after you're done building a given port. /usr/mports/Distfiles can also be periodically cleaned without ill-effect.
We currently support MidnightBSD 3.x+ with mports.
Users on older releases should checkout a quarterly tagged release or an older point in time relative to when the release was out.
If you wish to contribute to mports, submit via github on
Feel free to create a pull request to update any mports in this repository.
All contributions must be provided under the same BSD 2-clause license we use.
If you're looking for ways to contribute, try fixing problems listed in repology:
You can also submit bug reports about mports at