Small C++ game-engine (2D and minimal 3D) (GL+GLFW+AL+glm)
- status: in-development
- current dependencies: GL, GLFW, GLM, libpng, libfreetype
- standard: C++17
Project also contain subprojects:
- miocpp - C++ implementation of MIO storages interface
- necore - nictophobia engine itself
- nictoscript [in-development]
Right now the engine contains:
- assets:
- assets management
- raster images loading (png)
- bitmap fonts, vector fonts with Freetype
- text rendering, simple text formatting
- user input handling, key-bindings
- files subsystem (miocpp)
mkdir build
ln -s res build/res
cd build
cmake ../
# then run
character used as prefix for formatting modifiers.
example: draw bold text with ^btext that must be bold^b
- toggle bold mode -
- reset color to initial -
- reset formatting -
- text waving effect -
- text shaking effect -
- set colorexamples:
^#FF0000this text is red^c
^#FFFFFF80this text is white with 50% opacity^c
^1#FF8000^ 024^c
- way to separate modifier from text digits (will output1024
without spaces)