SCARA PRR Variant 3
Step 3: Plug the table into the Homogeneous Transformation Matrix formula.
Step 4: Multiply the matrices together
Any of the 2 processes, it will still arrive on the same answer.
Determining the position and direction using Forward Kinematics.
Simulation and visualization of Forward Kinematics using MATLAB:
If θ1=0֯ and θ2=0֯:
If θ1=90֯ and θ2=-90֯:
If θ1=45֯ and θ2=30֯:
Codes can also be found from: And the tutorial for installation of Robotics Toolbox by Peter Corke in Python can be found here:
Import librariies first for scientific and matrix computations
import numpy as np
link lengths in mm
a1 = float(input("a1 = "))
a2 = float(input("a2 = "))
a3 = float(input("a3 = "))
a4 = float(input("a4 = "))
joint variables: is mm if f, is degrees if theta
d1 = float(input("d1 = ")) #20 mm
T2 = float(input("T2 = ")) #30 deg
T3 = float(input("T3 = ")) #-90 deg
degree to radian
T2 = (T2/180.0)*np.pi
T3 = (T3/180.0)*np.pi
Parametric Table (theta, alpha, r, d)
PT = [[(0.0/180.0)*np.pi,(0.0/180.0)*np.pi,0,a1+d1],
HTM formula and multiplication
i = 0
H0_1 = [[np.cos(PT[i][0]),-np.sin(PT[i][0])*np.cos(PT[i][1]),np.sin(PT[i][0])*np.sin(PT[i][1]),PT[i][2]*np.cos(PT[i][0])],
i = 1
H1_2 = [[np.cos(PT[i][0]),-np.sin(PT[i][0])*np.cos(PT[i][1]),np.sin(PT[i][0])*np.sin(PT[i][1]),PT[i][2]*np.cos(PT[i][0])],
i = 2
H2_3 = [[np.cos(PT[i][0]),-np.sin(PT[i][0])*np.cos(PT[i][1]),np.sin(PT[i][0])*np.sin(PT[i][1]),PT[i][2]*np.cos(PT[i][0])],
Multiply the matrices
H0_1 = np.matrix(H0_1)
print("H0_1= ")
H1_2 = np.matrix(H1_2)
print("H1_2= ")
H2_3 = np.matrix(H2_3)
print("H2_3= ")
H0_2 =,H1_2)
H0_3 =,H2_3)
print("H0_3= ")
syms a1 a2 a3 a4
%% Link lengths
a1 = 5;
a2 = 10;
a3 = 5;
a4 = 10;
%% D-H Parameters [theta, d, r, alpha, offset]
% if prismatic joint: theta = theta, d = 0, offset = 1, after offset put the value of d
% if revolute joint: theta = 0,offset = 0, after offset put the value of theta
H0_1 = Link([0,0,0,0,1,a1]);
H0_1.qlim = [0 30];
H1_2 = Link([0,0,a2,0,0]);
H1_2.qlim = pi/180*[-90 90];
H2_3 = Link([0,a3,a4,0,0]);
H2_3.qlim = pi/180*[-90 90];
Scara_V3 = SerialLink([H0_1 H1_2 H2_3], 'name', 'SCARA_V3')
Scara_V3.plot([0 0 0], 'workspace', [-5 30 -30 30 0 30])
%% Forward Kinemtics
%syntax: FK = robot_variable.fkine(joint_variables)
Af = ([5,pi/2,pi/2]); %joint_variables FK = Scara_V3.fkine(Af)
- Example:
5.2 Inverse Kinematics of Articulated Manipulator
Codes can also be found from:
import numpy as np
a1 = float(input("a1 = "))
a2 = float(input("a2 = "))
a3 = float(input("a3 = "))
a4 = float(input("a4 = "))
x0_3 = float(input("x0_3 = "))
y0_3 = float(input("y0_3 = "))
z0_3 = float(input("z0_3 = "))
phi2 = np.arctan(y0_3 / x0_3)
phi2 = phi2 * 180 / np.pi
r1 = np.sqrt((y0_32) + (x0_32))
phi1 = np.arccos((a42 - r12 - a2**2)/(-2 * r1 * a2))
phi1 = phi1*180 / np.pi
theta2 = phi2 - phi1
phi3 = np.arccos((r12 - a22 - a4**2)/(-2 * a2 * a4))
phi3 = phi3 * 180 / np.pi
theta3 = 180 - phi3
d1 = z0_3 - a1 - a3
print("d1 = ", np.around(d1,3))
print("theta2 = ", np.around(theta2,3))
print("theta3 = ", np.around(theta3,3))