This API(aaplication programming interface) site. which generate every time random images and related information.
Day 90 of Webdev Date 13 feb 2023.
In this project i have Learned about Api call with fetch, XMLhttpRequest and Async Await function. In which I have got information about api language JSON(javascript Object Notation), which use for api calls.
After getting that Json we have to parse it,for that we use JSON.parse(json stored variable) in XMLHttpRequest.And in Fetch() and Async function (variable Name).Json() for parsing;
after parsing with help of object tree we to get out data.
Project-Link is not working due to netlify issues
- Live previews
- Fullscreen mode
- Large Screen platform
- Mobile,tablet screen compatible
- Randon images, details regarding user
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at