Welcome to TMDBClient. This Kotlin-powered app brings to your fingertips the most popular movies, artists, and TV shows.
- Kotlin: Fully written in Kotlin for modern, concise, and type-safe code.
- Clean Architecture: Structured with Clean Architecture principles for scalability and maintainability.
- Retrofit: Utilized for efficient network operations and API interactions.
- Coroutines: Leveraged Kotlin Coroutines for smooth and efficient asynchronous operations.
- LiveData & ViewModel: Adopted for lifecycle-aware data management.
- Repository Pattern: Implemented for clean abstraction of the data layer.
- Dagger-Hilt: Incorporated for streamlined dependency injection.
- Unit Testing: Rigorous unit testing with JUnit, Truth, and Roboelectric.
Explore the visual journey of the app below!
- The application uses the TMDB API for fetching the movie, artist, and TV show listings.
- Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/MilindAmrutkar/TMDBClient.git
- Navigate to the Directory
cd TMDBClient
- Open and Run the Project
- Open the project in your favorite IDE (preferably Android Studio) and run it on an emulator or physical device.
- Navigate to the test directory in the project.
- Execute the tests using the green play button in your IDE or through the command line.
- Special thanks to TMDB for providing the API.
- Kudos to all the Kotlin and Android developers for the continuous inspiration!
If you find TMDBClient interesting, don't forget to star β the repo! Enjoy exploring the fascinating world of movies, artists, and TV shows!