Checker for the 42 Fillit project
./fillit_checker just compares output of two fillit executables, keep it in mind!!!
You can always get more information about checker if you take look on its source code in fillit_checker.zsh file
As etalon of the fillit you can always use @akondaur with @osyrotiu fillit, which placed in project folder as etalon_fillit
git clone
chmod +x fillit_checker.zsh
./fillit_checker.zsh -v ../my_fillit etalon_fillit 1 12
Usage ./fillit_checker.zsh (-v|-i) <1st_fillit_folder_or_exec> <2nd_fillit_folder_or_exec> [limit_numbers]
Be aware! Folders, that you passed as parameters, must be valid fillit project folders and contains Makefile inside.
Or you can pass regular ./fillit executables as a parameters, also you can combine folders and executables.
-v: launch main valid test
-i: launch incorrect test
[limit_numbers]: pair of numbers, that represent start(1st number) and end(2nd) size of the test maps. By default: start=1; end=12
Example: ./fillit_checker.zsh -v ../my_fillit etalon_fillit 1 12
NOTE: all test maps with your fillit's output(.err files for 2nd file descriptor and .out for 1st) placed with ❤️ in .fillit_tests folder"