This is a Hangman game created with ES6, Node and Express.js, Bootstrap and Pug. Testing with expect(Jest) and Mocha.
There are two modes: single player and two players, with two players, one chooses a word and an attempts number and the other player tryies to guess it. In this mode, it is possible to write a sentence or different words and there is not spell checking to make it funnier.
In single mode player has 10 attempts to guess a random word, that is choosen from an array of almost thousend words.
First, and if you don't have, install Node in your machine.
I used Nodemon for working, if you want to use copy the line below once installed Node.
npm install -g nodemon
Copy or download this repo
Open your command line and enter the directory where you want to copy the repository and then enter:
git clone
Navigate into hangman, in package.json level and enter:
npm install
To see how it's working enter:
npm start
Use the following line to run the tests:
npm test
This test check the logic functions, directly or indirectly and handle errors.
Hangman 2.0.0
- Marina Clarés - web and videogames developer - GitHub
Project for: Skylab Coders Academy