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Installing on MAC notes
my Current OS: MacOS Big Sur version 11.3.1
The easiest method (for me) to install/upgrade root was -> brew install root
And to upgrade root brew upgrade root
When trying to compile PlotUtils, the code couldn't find the Headers. error output something like ->
fatal error:‘stdlib.h’ when running make install for Mac
my solution was to
xcode —-install
pushd /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/ sudo ln -s MacOSX.sdk MacOSX10.14.sdk popd
set up paths for root for my local machine when opening a new terminal:
source /usr/local/bin/thisroot.sh
Update gethub: git pull origin main
For USB stick: to Access the files on Mac they are located in the directory of /Volumes
IF you opening a root file using root -l filename.root
and your not seeing anything it may be you need to add this file to your directory where you using root commands
vim .rootlogon.C
then put in it
if( gSystem->Getenv("PLOTUTILSROOT") )
gInterpreter->AddIncludePath( gSystem->ExpandPathName("$PLOTUTILSROOT") );
string newpath = string(gROOT->GetMacroPath()) + ":" + string(gSystem->ExpandPathName("$PLOTUTILSROOT")) + "/PlotUtils";
gROOT->SetMacroPath( newpath.c_str() );
//gSystem->Load( "libCintex.so" ); // needed to process the dictionaries for the objects
gSystem->Load( gSystem->ExpandPathName("$PLOTUTILSROOT/libPlotUtils.so") );