- 多领域分词。不同于以往的通用中文分词工具,此工具包同时致力于为不同领域的数据提供个性化的预训练模型。根据待分词文本的领域特点,用户可以自由地选择不同的模型。 我们目前支持了新闻领域,网络领域,医药领域,旅游领域,以及混合领域的分词预训练模型。在使用中,如果用户明确待分词的领域,可加载对应的模型进行分词。如果用户无法确定具体领域,推荐使用在混合领域上训练的通用模型。各领域分词样例可参考 example.txt。
- 更高的分词准确率。相比于其他的分词工具包,当使用相同的训练数据和测试数据,pkuseg可以取得更高的分词准确率。
- 支持用户自训练模型。支持用户使用全新的标注数据进行训练。
- 支持词性标注。
- 目前仅支持python3
- 新版本发布:2019-1-23
- 修改了词典处理方法,扩充了词典,分词效果有提升
- 效率进行了优化,测试速度较之前版本提升9倍左右
- 增加了在大规模混合数据集训练的通用模型,并将其设为默认使用模型
- 新版本发布:2019-1-30
- 支持fine-tune训练(从预加载的模型继续训练),支持设定训练轮数
- 新版本发布:2019-2-20
- 支持词性标注,增加了医疗、旅游细领域模型
- 为了获得好的效果和速度,强烈建议大家通过pip install更新到目前的最新版本
pip3 install pkuseg 之后通过import pkuseg来引用
pip3 install -U pkuseg
初次安装:pip3 install -i pkuseg
pip3 install -i -U pkuseg
python build_ext -i
注意:安装方式1和2目前仅支持linux(ubuntu)、mac、windows 64 位的python3版本。如果非以上系统,请使用安装方式3进行本地编译安装。
pkuseg.train('msr_training.utf8', 'msr_test_gold.utf8', './models')
pkuseg.test('msr_test.raw', 'output.txt', user_dict=None)
MSRA | Precision | Recall | F-score |
jieba | 87.01 | 89.88 | 88.42 |
THULAC | 95.60 | 95.91 | 95.71 |
pkuseg | 96.94 | 96.81 | 96.88 |
Precision | Recall | F-score | |
jieba | 87.79 | 87.54 | 87.66 |
THULAC | 93.40 | 92.40 | 92.87 |
pkuseg | 93.78 | 94.65 | 94.21 |
Default | MSRA | CTB8 | PKU | All Average | |
jieba | 81.45 | 79.58 | 81.83 | 83.56 | 81.61 |
THULAC | 85.55 | 87.84 | 92.29 | 86.65 | 88.08 |
pkuseg | 87.29 | 91.77 | 92.68 | 93.43 | 91.29 |
其中,All Average
import pkuseg
seg = pkuseg.pkuseg() # 以默认配置加载模型
text = seg.cut('我爱北京天安门') # 进行分词
import pkuseg
seg = pkuseg.pkuseg(model_name='medicine') # 程序会自动下载所对应的细领域模型
text = seg.cut('我爱北京天安门') # 进行分词
代码示例3:分词同时进行词性标注,各词性标签的详细含义可参考 tags.txt
import pkuseg
seg = pkuseg.pkuseg(postag=True) # 开启词性标注功能
text = seg.cut('我爱北京天安门') # 进行分词和词性标注
import pkuseg
# 对input.txt的文件分词输出到output.txt中
# 开20个进程
pkuseg.test('input.txt', 'output.txt', nthread=20)
import pkuseg
seg = pkuseg.pkuseg(user_dict='my_dict.txt') # 给定用户词典为当前目录下的"my_dict.txt"
text = seg.cut('我爱北京天安门') # 进行分词
import pkuseg
seg = pkuseg.pkuseg(model_name='./ctb8') # 假设用户已经下载好了ctb8的模型并放在了'./ctb8'目录下,通过设置model_name加载该模型
text = seg.cut('我爱北京天安门') # 进行分词
代码示例7:训练新模型 (模型随机初始化)
import pkuseg
# 训练文件为'msr_training.utf8'
# 测试文件为'msr_test_gold.utf8'
# 训练好的模型存到'./models'目录下
# 训练模式下会保存最后一轮模型作为最终模型
# 目前仅支持utf-8编码,训练集和测试集要求所有单词以单个或多个空格分开
pkuseg.train('msr_training.utf8', 'msr_test_gold.utf8', './models')
import pkuseg
# 训练文件为'train.txt'
# 测试文件为'test.txt'
# 加载'./pretrained'目录下的模型,训练好的模型保存在'./models',训练10轮
pkuseg.train('train.txt', 'test.txt', './models', train_iter=10, init_model='./pretrained')
pkuseg.pkuseg(model_name = "default", user_dict = "default", postag = False)
model_name 模型路径。
"news", 使用新闻领域模型。
"web", 使用网络领域模型。
"medicine", 使用医药领域模型。
"tourism", 使用旅游领域模型。
model_path, 从用户指定路径加载模型。
user_dict 设置用户词典。
"default", 默认参数,使用我们提供的词典。
None, 不使用词典。
dict_path, 在使用默认词典的同时会额外使用用户自定义词典,可以填自己的用户词典的路径,词典格式为一行一个词。
postag 是否进行词性分析。
False, 默认参数,只进行分词,不进行词性标注。
True, 会在分词的同时进行词性标注。
pkuseg.test(readFile, outputFile, model_name = "default", user_dict = "default", postag = False, nthread = 10)
readFile 输入文件路径。
outputFile 输出文件路径。
model_name 模型路径。同pkuseg.pkuseg
user_dict 设置用户词典。同pkuseg.pkuseg
postag 设置是否开启词性分析功能。同pkuseg.pkuseg
nthread 测试时开的进程数。
pkuseg.train(trainFile, testFile, savedir, train_iter = 20, init_model = None)
trainFile 训练文件路径。
testFile 测试文件路径。
savedir 训练模型的保存路径。
train_iter 训练轮数。
init_model 初始化模型,默认为None表示使用默认初始化,用户可以填自己想要初始化的模型的路径如init_model='./models/'。
当将以上代码示例置于文件中运行时,如涉及多进程功能,请务必使用if __name__ == '__main__'
import pkuseg
if __name__ == '__main__':
pkuseg.test('input.txt', 'output.txt', nthread=20)
pkuseg.train('msr_training.utf8', 'msr_test_gold.utf8', './models', nthread=20)
news: 在MSRA(新闻语料)上训练的模型。
web: 在微博(网络文本语料)上训练的模型。
medicine: 在医药领域上训练的模型。
tourism: 在旅游领域上训练的模型。
mixed: 混合数据集训练的通用模型。随pip包附带的是此模型。
- v0.0.11(2019-01-09)
- 修订默认配置:CTB8作为默认模型,不使用词典
- v0.0.14(2019-01-23)
- 修改了词典处理方法,扩充了词典,分词效果有提升
- 效率进行了优化,测试速度较之前版本提升9倍左右
- 增加了在大规模混合数据集训练的通用模型,并将其设为默认使用模型
- v0.0.15(2019-01-30)
- 支持fine-tune训练(从预加载的模型继续训练),支持设定训练轮数
- v0.0.18(2019-02-20)
- 支持词性标注,增加了医疗、旅游两个细领域模型
- 本代码采用MIT许可证。
- 欢迎对该工具包提出任何宝贵意见和建议,请发邮件至。
- Xu Sun, Houfeng Wang, Wenjie Li. Fast Online Training with Frequency-Adaptive Learning Rates for Chinese Word Segmentation and New Word Detection. ACL. 253–262. 2012
author = {Xu Sun and Houfeng Wang and Wenjie Li},
title = {Fast Online Training with Frequency-Adaptive Learning Rates for Chinese Word Segmentation and New Word Detection},
booktitle = {The 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference, July 8-14, 2012, Jeju Island, Korea- Volume 1: Long Papers},
pages = {253--262},
year = {2012}}
- 为什么要发布pkuseg?
- pkuseg使用了哪些技术?
- 无法使用多进程分词和训练功能,提示RuntimeError和BrokenPipeError。
- 是如何跟其它工具包在细领域数据上进行比较的?
- 在黑盒测试集上进行比较的话,效果如何?
- 如果我不了解待分词语料的所属领域呢?
- 如何看待在一些特定样例上的分词结果?
- 关于运行速度问题?
- 关于多进程速度问题?
Ruixuan Luo (罗睿轩), Jingjing Xu(许晶晶), Xuancheng Ren(任宣丞), Yi Zhang(张艺), Bingzhen Wei(位冰镇), Xu Sun (孙栩)
A multi-domain Chinese word segmentation toolkit.
The pkuseg-python toolkit has the following features:
Supporting multi-domain Chinese word segmentation. Pkuseg-python supports multi-domain segmentation, including domains like news, web, medicine, and tourism. Users are free to choose different pre-trained models according to the domain features of the text to be segmented. If not sure the domain of the text, users are recommended to use the default model trained on mixed-domain data.
Higher word segmentation results. Compared with existing word segmentation toolkits, pkuseg-python can achieve higher F1 scores on the same dataset.
Supporting model training. Pkuseg-python also supports users to train a new segmentation model with their own data.
Supporting POS tagging. We also provide users POS tagging interfaces for further lexical analysis.
- Requirements: python3
Install pkuseg-python by using PyPI: (with the default model trained on mixed-doimain data)
pip3 install pkuseg
or update to the latest version (suggested):
pip3 install -U pkuseg
Install pkuseg-python by using image source for fast speed:
pip3 install -i pkuseg
or update to the latest version (suggested):
pip3 install -i -U pkuseg
Note: The previous two installing commands only support python3.5, python3.6, python3.7 on linux, mac, and windows 64 bit.
If the code is downloaded from GitHub, please run the following command to install pkuseg-python:
python build_ext -i
Note: the github code does not contain the pre-trained models, users need to download the pre-trained models from release, and set parameter 'model_name' as the model path.
Example 1: Segmentation under the default configuration. If users are not sure the domain of the text to be segmented, the default configuration is recommended.
import pkuseg
seg = pkuseg.pkuseg() #load the default model
text = seg.cut('我爱北京天安门')
Example 2: Domain-specific segmentation. If users know the text domain, they can select a pre-trained domain model according to the domain features.
import pkuseg
seg = pkuseg.pkuseg(model_name='medicine')
#Automatically download the domain-specific model.
text = seg.cut('我爱北京天安门')
Example 3:Segmentation and POS tagging. For the detailed meaning of each POS tag, please refer to tags.txt.
import pkuseg
seg = pkuseg.pkuseg(postag=True)
text = seg.cut('我爱北京天安门')
Example 4:Segmentation with a text file as input.
import pkuseg
#Take file 'input.txt' as input.
#The segmented result is stored in file 'output.txt'.
pkuseg.test('input.txt', 'output.txt', nthread=20)
Example 5: Segmentation with a user-defined dictionary.
import pkuseg
seg = pkuseg.pkuseg(user_dict='my_dict.txt')
text = seg.cut('我爱北京天安门')
Example 6: Segmentation with a user-trained model. Take CTB8 as an example.
import pkuseg
seg = pkuseg.pkuseg(model_name='./ctb8')
text = seg.cut('我爱北京天安门')
Example 7: Training a new model (randomly initialized).
import pkuseg
# Training file: 'msr_training.utf8'.
# Test file: 'msr_test_gold.utf8'.
# Save the trained model to './models'.
# The training and test files are in utf-8 encoding.
pkuseg.train('msr_training.utf8', 'msr_test_gold.utf8', './models')
Example 8: Fine-tuning. Take a pre-trained model as input.
import pkuseg
# Training file: 'train.txt'.
# Testing file'test.txt'.
# The path of the pre-trained model: './pretrained'.
# Save the trained model to './models'.
# The training and test files are in utf-8 encoding.
pkuseg.train('train.txt', 'test.txt', './models', train_iter=10, init_model='./pretrained')
Segmentation for sentences.
pkuseg.pkuseg(model_name = "default", user_dict = "default", postag = False)
model_name The path of the used model.
"default". The default mixed-domain model.
"news". The model trained on news domain data.
"web". The model trained on web domain data.
"medicine". The model trained on medicine domain data.
"tourism". The model trained on tourism domain data.
model_path. Load a model from the user-specified path.
user_dict Set up the user dictionary.
"default". Use the default dictionary.
None. No dictionary is used.
dict_path. The path of the user-defined dictionary. Each line only contains one word.
postag POS tagging or not.
False. The default setting. Segmentation without POS tagging.
True. Segmentation with POS tagging.
Segmentation for documents.
pkuseg.test(readFile, outputFile, model_name = "default", user_dict = "default", postag = False, nthread = 10)
readFile The path of the input file.
outputFile The path of the output file.
model_name The path of the used model. Refer to pkuseg.pkuseg.
user_dict The path of the user dictionary. Refer to pkuseg.pkuseg.
postag POS tagging or not. Refer to pkuseg.pkuseg.
nthread The number of threads.
Model training.
pkuseg.train(trainFile, testFile, savedir, train_iter = 20, init_model = None)
trainFile The path of the training file.
testFile The path of the test file.
savedir The saved path of the trained model.
train_iter The maximum number of training epochs.
init_model By default, None means random initialization. Users can also load a pre-trained model as initialization, like init_model='./models/'.