diff --git a/docs/arguments.md b/docs/arguments.md
index f66a9530..671770e8 100644
--- a/docs/arguments.md
+++ b/docs/arguments.md
@@ -191,16 +191,13 @@ Useful when using [Custom rsync Arugments](#custom-rsync-arguments)
+🔄 This is the same action as the [Use Default rsync Arguments](./labels.md#use-default-rsync-arguments) label, but applied globally.
## Custom rsync Arguments
Apply custom `rsync` args (in addition to the [default](#use-default-rsync-arguments) args)
> **Default**: *empty* (no custom rsync args will be applied)
-The `RSYNC_CUSTOM_ARGS` will be inserted after the `$DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS` as shown:
-rsync $DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_CUSTOM_ARGS $src_dir/ $dest_dir/
There are many `rsync` arguments and customizations that be be used here.
=== "Example 1"
@@ -209,5 +206,13 @@ There are many `rsync` arguments and customizations that be be used here.
RSYNC_CUSTOM_ARGS=--exclude='*.log' --exclude='*.txt'
+The `RSYNC_CUSTOM_ARGS` will be inserted after the `$DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS` as shown:
+rsync $DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS $RSYNC_CUSTOM_ARGS $src_dir/ $dest_dir/
+🔄 This is the same action as the [Custom rsync Arguments](./labels.md#custom-rsync-arguments) label, but applied globally.
diff --git a/docs/labels.md b/docs/labels.md
index c981789a..6747516d 100644
--- a/docs/labels.md
+++ b/docs/labels.md
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ nautical-backup.enable=true
With this label set to `false`, the container will not be stopped before performing a backup.
-> **Default If Missing**: true (container ==will== be stopped before backup).
+> **Default If Missing**: true (container ^^will^^ be stopped before backup).
@@ -173,4 +173,38 @@ By default, Nautical will create destination directory that is the same name as
-🔄 This is the same action as the [Override Destination Directory](./arguments.md#override-destination-directory) variable, but applied only to this container.
\ No newline at end of file
+🔄 This is the same action as the [Override Destination Directory](./arguments.md#override-destination-directory) variable, but applied only to this container.
+## Use Default rsync Arguments
+Use the default `rsync` arguemnts `-raq` (recursive, archive, quiet)
+Useful when using [Custom rsync Arugments](#custom-rsync-arguments)
+> **Default**: *none* (use global setting)
+!!! note "This label will *override* the global setting applied through [Enviornment Variables](./arguments.md)"
+ * A value of `true` will use the default rsync arguments regardless of the global setting.
+ * A value of `false` will ^^**not**^^ use the default rsync arguments regardless of the global setting.
+ * Not setting the label value will use the [global setting](./arguments.md#custom-rsync-arguments)
+🔄 Not setting a label is the same action as the [Use Default rsync Arguments](./arguments.md#use-default-rsync-arguments) variable, but applied only to this container.
+## Custom rsync Arguments
+Apply custom `rsync` args (in addition to the [default](#use-default-rsync-arguments) args)
+> **Default**: *empty* (use global setting)
+nautical-backup.rsync-custom-args=--exclude='*.log' --exclude='*.txt'
+!!! note "This label will *override* the global setting applied through [Enviornment Variables](./arguments.md)"
+ * *Any value* will override the global rsync arguemnts configured through [global settings](./arguments.md#custom-rsync-arguments).
+ * A (empty) value of `"nautical-backup.rsync-custom-args="` will ^^cancel^^ any [global setting](./arguments.md#custom-rsync-arguments) for this container only.
+ * Not setting the label value will use the [global setting](./arguments.md#custom-rsync-arguments).
+🔄 Not setting a label is the same action as the [Custom rsync Arguments](./arguments.md#custom-rsync-arguments) variable, but applied only to this container.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pkg/backup.sh b/pkg/backup.sh
index c10d1607..b3b49703 100644
--- a/pkg/backup.sh
+++ b/pkg/backup.sh
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ if [ "$REPORT_FILE" = "true" ]; then
echo "Backup Report - $(date)" >"$DEST_LOCATION/$report_file"
if [ "$USE_DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS" = "false" ]; then
@@ -142,6 +143,20 @@ BackupContainer() {
+ if echo "$labels" | grep -q '"nautical-backup.use-default-rsync-args":"true"'; then
+ echo "Using default rsync args ($DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS) for $container"
+ default_rsync_args=$DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS
+ elif echo "$labels" | grep -q '"nautical-backup.use-default-rsync-args":"false"'; then
+ echo "Not using default rsync args ($DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS) for $container"
+ default_rsync_args=""
+ fi
+ if echo "$labels" | grep -q '"nautical-backup.rsync-custom-args"'; then
+ new_custom_rsync_args=$(echo "$labels" | jq -r '.["nautical-backup.rsync-custom-args"]')
+ custom_args=$new_custom_rsync_args
+ echo "Using custom rsync args for $container"
+ fi
log_entry "Backing up $container data..."
if [ "$LOG_RSYNC_COMMANDS" = "true" ]; then
echo rsync $default_rsync_args $custom_args $src_dir/ $dest_dir/